I know that we are all low-carbers. We don’t eat the tortilla. Bread? No thanks. Pasta, no way, Jose. A hamburger bun? Nah, do you have some lettuce leaves instead?
We are cruising along in our journey and then all of a sudden, one day it happens. Those croutons on my chicken salad, I’m going to eat them. The next day I order a pump of vanilla in my coffee. Screw it – I’m going to eat my burger WITH a bun. Insanity, I know right?
I fall down the carb-o-hydrate HOLE. It happens to ALL of us. Who are we kidding? I’m there right now. I mean, who goes to Mexico for a work-cation and doesn’t eat fresh corn tortillas? I mean, I’ve done it before but not this time. I fell big time.
So what’s the next step for me? I need to get a grip. I need to SEE what I am doing and why it happened. I know that eating a ton of carbs is not good for me, my blood sugars, or my insulin levels. It makes me feel more hungry. It’s a huge pitfall.
I am writing this on a Sunday. I love Monday because it’s a fresh start. It’s time to get back on the low-carb train. I need to wean myself off of the carbs. But why, you ask?
Let me explain. Carbohydrates go into our body and they turn to glucose. Glucose is …. Sugar. Sure, even if you didn’t eat actual sugar, and you ate a tortilla, that same tortilla turns into glucose. This means that blood sugars rise. When blood sugars rise, our body needs to release insulin to grab that glucose and stick it into our cells. High blood sugars equal high insulin levels. High insulin levels make it harder to lose weight. It is a vicious circle. High blood sugars and insulin levels leave us with that constant hungry feeling.
Are you always feeling hungry? Start counting your carbs. Check and see if you are overdoing it.
I am getting back to basics tomorrow. Protein, veggies, lots of water, good quality sleep. In 3 days I will feel better.
So, who out there “feels this” blog? Who has allowed the sugar and carbs to crrrreeeppppp back into their new lifestyle? Guess what? You can join me. You can make the next meal, a better meal.
I see you. You’ve got this. So do I.