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February 2017

Processed Foods Post Op?

Let's chat about Processed foods, which have been the hot topic of many a nutrition discussion lately. What's the concern? It has become the victim for numerous illnesses, from obesity to heart disease, cancer to diabetes. As food…

Post Ops – Take the Stairs!

Are you someone who decides to take the stairs every day to get to your office?  Or are you someone who waits 5 minutes for the elevator to take you up a few flights? We all take the elevator from time to time.  Maybe it's because you…

Habits of Successful Bariatric Patients

I've had the priveldge of working with bariatric surgery patients for a decade (at the time of this post). During this time, I've learned what habits my most successful patients change in their life, and stick to long-term. I try not to…

No Dining Out Challenge

Okay Bariatric Pre Ops and Post Ops, so before you start making excuses and complaining how busy you are this week or that you can't cook, hear me out! Eating at home does require more time and effort, but can we talk about some of the…

Bariatric Post Ops, Snack Responsibly

 Post Ops, snacking is very important! Snacks have such a bad reputation... and for a good reason considering what MOST people consider a snack!   Between the stops at the vending machine and the grab-and-go at the gas station- most…
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