This simply works as a guide and helps you to connect with doctors of your choice. Please confirm the doctor’s availability before leaving your premises.
Emergency bariatric care may be needed if you experience severe abdominal pain, complications from weight loss surgery, or symptoms of nutritional deficiencies.
Once Bariatric surgery is complete, a strict post-op diet plan needs to be followed. There is now a staple line in your stomach that must be allowed to heal. Certain foods can disrupt the healing process, put undue stress on the staple line, and lead to a leak.
The diet for a post-op bariatric patients consists of four stages: , Clear Liquids, Pureed Foods, Soft Foods and Solid Foods.
Let’s chat about Week 1 which is clear liquids.
For 1 to 7 days after bariatric surgery, only clear liquids are to be consumed at the rate of one to two ounces per hour.
It’s important to follow the post op diet to promote healing to occur. Upon scheduling we will provide you with a detailed list of the four stages post op and what you should be consuming at each stage.