I am starting my week by writing this blog. You see, I’ve been in California (Disneyland and Universal Studios) for the past few days. I am from Ottawa, Canada so it’s a pretty big trip for myself and my two teens. I spoke at a National Bariatric Convention called ObesityHelp #OH2019 last Friday. My topic was “adapting to a ketogenic lifestyle post-bariatric surgery”. There were 700 attendees at the convention and I got to spend time with my “peeps” and discuss what was on their minds as they continued along their journey.
Regain was a real issue and “how should I eat” was a big topic also. There is so much involved in this journey. It’s not just surgery and then it’s over. That’s where it begins. It’s the first step.
When traveling I try to make good food choices. I always start out with prepping my cheese and nuts/ seed and high-quality deli meats. I may get a salad in the airport, or a soup (depending on how long my travel day will be). But then, it goes downhill from there.
It’s so hard to eat properly when you are at Theme Parks. There is ice-cream, popcorn, donuts and french fries on every corner. As soon as I eat “the carbs”, I am back on the sugar merry-go-round and I know myself…. It’s hard to come back off again.
At least I walked 15,000 steps 4 days in a row!! That’s a lot of steps! I always wear my Fitbit when traveling because I am thoroughly impressed by how much one has to walk at airports and tourist attractions. It’s the geek in me lol.
I am traveling back today – back to reality and I am setting up an eating challenge for myself for the next few days and I invite you to join me. I need to kick the carbs to the curb and I would like it very much if you would challenge yourself to do the same.
This is a super easy meal plan. I will follow it for 4 days (zero cheating). I will relax a bit on the weekend because we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada Oct. 12th and 13th! Yes, it’s 6 weeks before the US Thanksgiving as our harvest is earlier than it is for all of you in the US.
Record your weight tomorrow morning and then check it again on Saturday morning. Reply to this email and let me know what your results were!
Sheri’s Clean Eating Carb Crushing Plan
Day 1
- Breakfast: 1-2 eggs, sautéed vegetables, 1/4 avocado
- Lunch: green salad, 3 ounces steak, olive oil, and lemon
- Dinner: 4 ounces fish, asparagus and mushrooms, a handful of pecans
Day 2
- Breakfast: 2 egg omelet, spinach, 3 ounces of cheese
- Lunch: arugula salad, 3 ounces tuna, 6 large olives
- Dinner: beef burger (no bun), steamed cabbage, 1 teaspoon almond butter
Day 3
- Breakfast: 1-2 poached eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 1/4 avocado
- Lunch: 3 ounces of chicken, grilled veggies, 3 ounces brie cheese
- Dinner: 3 ounces shrimp, steamed veggies, 1/4 cup almond slices
Day 4 – repeat one of the days above.
No Snacking Please!! Drink lots of water and only one cup of coffee per day, please. Sleep 8 hours a night and make sure to get a bit of exercise each day.
See how easy that was? I hate complicated meal planning and recipes. I like to cook but I also I like to keep things simple and my whole family can eat this same way. If they want quinoa or brown rice, I make a pot and they can eat it while I keep away from it. I also serve them beans and I choose not to eat them. There is no “making of two meals” at my house.
Let’s do this. I can’t wait to hear how your results were from my carb-crushing 4-day meal plan.
Here is to a healthy week!