It is January 31st today – at the time I am writing this blog. I am currently on an airplane flying back from Cancun, Mexico to Ottawa, Canada. I am creating the easiest 4 day menu plan EVER.
Guys! I could tell you that it was a business trip. Sure, it was a bit of work but – I had the BEST vacation ever. We spent 14 nights in the Mexican Caribbean. We visited Akumal, Tulum, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Isla Mujeres and Cancun.
I lived in the region for many years and my kids were born there but this was the first time that I got to be an actual tourist in the area. In the past I was raising kids and working and living “real life”.
I will be going back for another vacation there soon. If you haven’t been, GO. Great weather, outstanding beaches, beautiful hotels, friendly people and AMAZING FOOD!!!!
BUT – now comes the bad part … well “bad” in a way. I ate ALL of the tortas, tamales, and tacos. I drank all of the tequila. I had an overdose of “vitamin T” while on holiday. So what’s a girl to do? What happens now is a plan of clean-eating, no drinking, lots of water, lots of exercise and plenty of good quality sleep. I am not 20 years old anymore. When I “hit it hard”, I need time for recovery. If I continue to “hit it hard”, repercussions will occur. My blood pressure will sit a bit higher. My weight will be a bigger number. I will feel sluggish and in a crappy mood.
Do you want to know what an RHN, registered holistic nutritionist (who specializes in bariatric nutrition) does to “GET BACK ON TRACK”? I guess I could have had a holiday and never “got off track to begin with”, but what’s done is done and I will have no regrets.
I want you to join me on Monday, February 3rd for a 4 day “clean eating plan”. I am going to eat a diet packed with protein and veggies. There will be nothing “fancy” on this 4 day plan. There will be no tricks or supplements or teas or pills or anything that isn’t just plain old FOOD! I am going to ditch this 5 pound re-gain and I am going to be feeling better by next Friday.
But, if you want to join me, you need to make a 4 day 100% commitment to yourself. You will not stray during these 4 days. You will eat what is on the menu. You will drink all the water. You will be active at least 30 minutes a day. You will go to bed an hour earlier than normal. No snacking allowed! If you are super hungry, you are allowed to have some veggies (cooked or raw and only the low carb kind).
Let’s weigh ourselves on Monday. Yes, gently step on the scale and record that number. You can share it with me or in our private support group, or you can just keep it to yourself.
Can I drink coffee?
If you do currently have one cup of coffee or tea in the morning, go ahead and do that please. I am not taking away your cup of morning Java. Breaking up with sugar and carbs is hard enough. I don’t want you to hate me. Have a cup of coffee and get on with it. If you want to break up with caffeine, this is a great time to do it but if you are not ready for this step, that’s fine also.
What can I drink?
Water. Yes, for these 4 days, you will drink plain old water. If you need to add a bit of sugar free flavour to it, fine but don’t text me pictures of all sorts of fancy “added this and added that” stuff. Just drink the water please. The goal here is to break our love of sweet things and if we add all the fancy stuff to our water, it makes it harder to break up with sweetness. Let it go for these 4 days please. Aim for 8 glasses of plain old water each day please.
What can I eat?
Here we go!! Click on this link to download my 4 day February FLASH plan to lose 3 to 5 pounds and to feel better than ever by Friday,…… It is the most simple meal plan EVER