The pouch rules.
• The answer will surprise you because it’s more about choosing the right food and how to eat, not necessarily how much is on your plate. Learn to rely on food choices and your pouch rather than your measuring cup. It’s easy to overeat Macaroni & Cheese but Chicken notsomuch because it is self limiting. Use the pouch as a tool by filling it with protein and using that fullness as an ally.
• By the way, for this to work, no bread, no potatoes, no tortillas, no rice, no rolls, no pasta, no high carb foods. Do not drink with your meals. If you have been drinking with meals stop it.
• It doesn’t matter how much is on the plate if we use ‘Protein First’ and ‘Vegetables Second’ as our portion control and only eat until we are comfortable and satisfied and not stuffed.
• As a guide, fix your plate with 4 to 6 ounces solid protein with salsa or sauce and 1/2 cup lower carb vegetable or chopped salad. A good example would be 2 small chicken thighs braised in pasta sauce with broccoli, tomato cucumber salad, or sautéed spinach.
• Eat 1/2 of your Protein First, 1/2 the Vegetable Second then go in for small alternating bites of protein and vegetable until you recognize you are at a soft full. Then stop. Thinking about it while eating is very empowering.
If you are a scared measurer who stops eating before fullness, or a plate loading overfiller, learn to rely on your food choices and listen to your pouch. Have confidence to use your surgical pouch as the power tool it was made to be and experience the lasting fullness that has escaped you. It has been there all along!
• Yes, we can!
• Gastric Balloon
• Lap Band
• Mini Gastric Bypass
• Full Gastric Bypass
• Gastric Sleeve
• Gastric Plication Surgery
• Conversion or Revision Surgery
• Duodenal Switch Surgery

Dr. Sergio Verboonen
Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124