Detox? Why do I need a Detox?
- Sometimes we need that little extra “push” to get back on track.
- Sometimes we are feeling low in energy.
- Sometimes we are not feeling our best.
- It’s time to shake things up and to start feeling our best.
Food is medicine. Food is our secret weapon. Food is very powerful and the right foods can really help to create an overall feeling of wellness. I want you to feel well, and powerful. I want you to wake up in the morning full of energy and ready to take on the world.
This short detox plan is to help you to get back to a more natural way of eating. It incorporates fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats in order to cleanse your body of the packaged foods and the refined and processed carbohydrates.
You know what? You actually do not need a detox. Detox is a “catchy” name but our body already knows how to detox itself and it does that on a 24/7 basis. Our internal organs take care of this process and our external organ, our skin, also detoxes on a regular basis by sloughing off constantly.
When you hear the word “detox” it actually means the cleansing of our own blood. This is when our body works hard to remove impurities from the blood. All these toxins are processed for elimination to the liver, and we also use other organs like our kidneys and lungs for the detoxification process.
When you see me write the word “detox”, please think of it as “helping your organs out”. You are encouraging them or giving them excellent fuel so that they have an easier job and they can do that job even better. There are certain foods that your internal organs like and appreciate so that is what we will feed them on my 3-day bariatric detox plan.
We will eat only whole, live, fresh, natural, good quality food on the detox. There are no prepackaged items. If you are still feeling hungry, reach for vegetables, please. You can eat them raw, boiled, baked, grilled or any way you like them.
By lightening up your toxic load, you are helping to remove obstacles for your body’s healing process. We will remove cigarette smoke, alcohol, refined sugars and those things which are in the way and making your body work harder.
This is not a low carb diet. This is not a high-fat diet. This is not a high protein diet.
This plan helps your body eliminate toxins. Once you have completed your detox, you can move towards the food lifestyle of your choice, whether it be keto, paleo, south-beach, vegan, vegetarian, Atkins or something of your choice.
This is a simple meal plan which includes real food. Each day contains approximately 1,200 calories.
I want you to keep a food log and write down everything you choose to eat and drink.
- Do not consume gum or breath mints, please.
- Drink 64 ounces of plain water per day.
- If you miss your coffee, you can have one cup of green tea or hot water with lemon.
- Dry brush your skin before getting into the shower or bath.
- Exercise each day for a half hour minimum.
- Sleep 7-8 hours each night.
- The more closely you follow this plan, the more effective it will be.
Try it and let me know how it goes – send me an email with your statistics pre and post detox.
Go ahead and download the detox HERE