The decision about whether to undergo obesity surgery is fairly complex and most importantly, very personal. You must understand that bariatric surgery is a major undertaking, and though most patients enjoy an improvement in health conditions and self-esteem after successful surgery, these results should not be the overriding motivation for having the procedure.
Deciding to undergo a bariatric procedure will change your life in a dramatic and permanent way, so there’s no such thing as too much careful consideration. Even if you are interested in having surgery, your goals should be to live better, healthier and longer.
Lifelong commitment
It is important to remember that there are no ironclad guarantees in any kind of surgery. There can be unexpected outcomes in even the simplest procedures. What can be said, however, is that bariatric surgery will only succeed when the patient makes a lifelong commitment. Some of the challenges facing a person after weight-loss surgery can be unexpected.
Lifestyle Changes
Ultimately, the decision to have the procedure is up to you. After having heard all the information, you must decide if the benefits outweigh the side effects and potential complications. Remember, this surgery is only a tool. Your ultimate success depends on strict adherence to the recommended dietary, exercise and lifestyle changes.
Bariatric treatment: deciding where you don’t want to compromise
When experience is everything
Patients traveling to Mexico for bariatric surgery have one main goal, safe surgery, reasonable cost and highly experienced surgeons. Allow us to organise all the details for you. We have extensive experience facilitating for Americans and Canadians crossing borders for Medical Treatments for almost a decade.
• Gastric Balloon
• Lap Band
• Mini Gastric Bypass
• Full Gastric Bypass
• Gastric Sleeve
• Gastric Plication Surgery
• Conversion or Revision Surgery
• Duodenal Switch Surgery

Dr. Sergio Verboonen
Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124