We Are All Winners with Bariatric Surgery
We are all winners. Don’t lose focus that the goal isn’t to be the next supermodel, but to be healthy, happy and fit. If we never get to a size 4, but end up at a slim size 12 or 14 and no longer need insulin, blood pressure medications or get out of breath moving from the house to our car; we are a success story..
Compare yourself to Real People, the people at the grocery store, not the airbrushed magazine covers. Real men and women have squish at the waistband of our jeans and jiggly thighs and at least a bit of wattle hanging from our arms. No one ever promised us perfection. Focus on how far you have come rather than how far you have to go and BE REAL!
People come in all shapes and sizes – there is no standard for beauty. We are a success when we have learned to love the person in the mirror and we realise that happiness radiates from within. Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be a Success.
• Gastric Balloon
• Lap Band
• Mini Gastric Bypass
• Full Gastric Bypass
• Gastric Sleeve
• Gastric Plication Surgery
• Conversion or Revision Surgery
• Duodenal Switch Surgery

Dr. Sergio Verboonen
Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124
Relax, You’re A Staller! After surgery we all go through the same categories. You haven’t hit a wall, you’re just a Staller.
It is normal for you to be second guessing your decision in these early weeks as you haven’t lost enough weight to justify the surgery. The benefits have not yet tipped scales in your favor but all that will change if you just hang on and give yourself the time and materials to heal. It usually all comes together and really rolls after the first 8 weeks. Here’s a helpful tip: STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF. During surgery they pumped you up full of fluids. Okay, I know you can’t stop weighing, so how about just every three days. Promise?
The Myth
Truth is none of us jump off that operating room table able to do all of the things on our list of “things to do”. Start slowly, sip your water, get plenty of rest, and after a few days you can begin to think about eating a little egg custard or drinking more than a sip of protein drink, or maybe chewing a single vitamin tablet. It all comes in time and you don’t need to force the issue if you don’t feel good.
BOOM… the sound of your weight loss hitting the wall! One minute you’re losing 10 pounds every forty three minutes and now you haven’t lost a single pound in a month! Relax, welcome to what everyone calls a ‘Plateau’. After dropping a large amount of weight your body is trying to preserve its comfortable blanket of fat and is doing everything it can to stop the massive loss.
Remember that you have just undergone a major surgical procedure in which 7/8th of your stomach was either removed or cut in two with your intestines bypassed then reconnected through a handful of punched holes; it makes sense that a complete recovery will take time and that it is normal that the last thing you want to do is eat, drink and be merry. Your stomach and intestines are very swollen and tender from the trauma of this surgery. This was kind of a Big Deal. Keep in mind that this surgery does not start out as a day at the beach. Focus on the long term results and soon things will fall into place for you.
Focus on how far you’ve come rather than how far you have to go.
• Gastric Balloon
• Lap Band
• Mini Gastric Bypass
• Full Gastric Bypass
• Gastric Sleeve
• Gastric Plication Surgery
• Conversion or Revision Surgery
• Duodenal Switch Surgery

Dr. Sergio Verboonen
Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124
Have a Plan of Attack for the Restaurant
All Restaurants Have Websites.
Friday’s, Olive Garden and Outback has over 100 different things to order on their menus. The time to decide what you’ll be eating is not necessarily at the table with your Waiter standing over you describing the Pasta special and talking up the 8000 calorie bomb ‘Triple Hamburger with 2000 calorie dish of lip smacking dipping sauce. Almost all restaurants have websites and full menus online. Look at the menu in advance to get an idea of what appetizers or entrees will work for your surgery. It’s a lot easier knowing before you arrive that a small house salad comes with the meal and that you can order the Special Sirloin with broccoli instead of a special deal on fried chicken wings. If your restaurant stop is “last minute” unless you’re at a Pancake House, there will be a Shrimp Cocktail. This is a “go to food” of proper bariatric eating.
Do I qualify ?
It’s cool to ask if you can have broccoli instead of baked potato, the burrito served ‘naked’ without the tortilla, your dressing on the side, to bring your shrimp appetizer with everyone’s entree, or have him take away the water glass so you don’t sip it with your food.
Decide to be the best possible you and make the best possible decisions.
See if you qualify for Bariatric Surgery by completing this form.
Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124