What started with a BANG …..
You reach out to me, we talk about the bariatric journey but we focus more on the logistics:
- How do I know I qualify for bariatric surgery?
- Now that I’ve qualified, how do I decide to have weight loss surgery?
- Now that I’ve decided to have the sleeve (or bypass etc.), how do I go about scheduling?
- What dates are available?
- How many nights will I spend in Mexico?
- When do my flights need to arrive and depart?
- Can I bring a guest?
- Can I come alone?
- Who will collect me at the airport?
- Which hotel will I stay in?
- Talk to me about my pre-operative diet.
- Do I require a passport?
These are just a few of the questions I answer daily. You get it. You’ve all been there. It’s the nervousness and excitement of embarking on this bariatric journey. It’s the joy of having decided to take your health into your own hands and committing to weight loss for several reasons:
- You want to feel better.
- You want to look better.
- You want to stop taking medications for a metabolic illness.
- You want your back, knees, feet, and ankles to stop aching.
- You want to exercise more.
- You want to eat in a much healthier way.
- You want to change your lifestyle.
I am here to help you accomplish all of these goals.
You are super motivated. You are ready for everything in front of you.
Post-surgery we start the journey of “what, how, and when to eat”. It’s your new reality and you are doing great.
One month passes, two months, three months, six months …. Your motivation starts to fade. What harm can one cookie do? Why not have that popcorn? I’m going to add some rice back to my diet.
I know, I know – I am not into demonizing foods or food-shaming anybody but you are only ½ way to your weight loss goal. Why not take it ALL THE WAY and get to that goal?
Help me to help you to get motivated to jump back on the bus to lose weight. Don’t help yourself stall out your weight loss.
The time for “moderation” is almost there … but you are not there yet.
KEEP GOING, PLEASE. GO ALL THE WAY…. And then we can discuss “moderation”.
Life is full of ups and downs. When motivation fades and bad habits creep in, it can be hard to get back on track. Going back to the basics can be a great way to regain motivation and get back on the path to success. (go back to your basic diet of protein and veg).
First, it’s important to take a step back and think about why you set your goals in the first place. What were you trying to achieve? What was the end goal? Reminding yourself of your long-term goals and why they’re important can help you stay focused and motivated. (go back and review the reasons WHY you had weight loss surgery in the first place).
Second, break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks. It can be overwhelming to try to tackle a big goal all at once, so breaking it down into smaller tasks can make the whole process more manageable.
Once you have the small tasks in place, set up a plan and timeline for completing them. (instead of the “I want to lose X amount of pounds”, break it down into 5 steps. First 20 pounds, second 20 pounds, etc.).
Third, focus on building good habits and setting routines. Routines provide structure and help to keep you on track. Schedule time for the activities that help you reach your goals and try to stick to it. This will help to create a habit of taking action toward your goals. (write it down – I am going to go to bed at this time and wake up at that time. I am going to exercise 3 times a week).
Fourth, reward yourself for progress. Acknowledge the small victories and celebrate your successes. (Go buy yourself a new pair of pants or get a massage).
Get back on the weight loss bus again and go all the way to the finish line. If you need some motivation, reach out to me, please. I am always here for my clients and I want to see each one of you succeed.
Let’s do this.
Healthy Hugs,