Shout-out to all you amazing bariatric BOSSES. You made the decision to hop a plane, have your bariatric surgery in Mexico, and take control of your health and your life.
Now what? I mean, what comes WITH that decision to lose weight?
(Ahem) Lifestyle changes! I know, I know – you already know that. But do you? I mean, we all “talk the talk”, but are you “walking the walk”?
Lifestyle changes are going to keep you safe from regain. They are your protection against “going backwards”. And, you can make these changes at any time along your journey.
Let’s say that you had your surgery 3 years ago, you lost weight, you are feeling better but you are starting to slip a bit. You find yourself watching more Netflix, or eating more slider foods, or going to bed very late. You can make changes NOW. You don’t need to wait for the next 5 years to “see what will happen”. You already know what is going to happen if you continue along the slippery slope.
What lifestyle changes have you implemented? I think that some of the most important ones include:
- Becoming more active – Exercising and moving more.
- Learning new kitchen skills – cooking at home more.
- Learning more about nutrition
- Making sleep a serious priority.
- Learning how to manage stress better with techniques.
- Spending less time Netflix-ing.
- Doing some self-discovery as to “why” we gained the weight.
What other lifestyle changes have you made during your journey up to this stage? I am sure you can add to my list above.
Do you see how you can implement any of these lifestyle changes at any time along your journey. The journey doesn’t end when you reach your goal weight. This doesn’t have some finish-line. We are constantly working and striving for better and improved health.
Ask yourself some questions:
- “Am I happy with my current diet”?
- “Am I content with the amount of exercise I am getting”?
- “Am I taking care of my health”?
- “Where can I improve my lifestyle”?
Even if you are at your goal, and you are feeling great, where is there room for improvement?
If you are not at your goal and you are struggling, where is there room for improvement?
If you want to discuss, reach out to me. I’m always here for you.
Healthy Hugs.