Can Summer Holidays be good for your health ?
Normal story goes something like this ,,,, the summer holidays takes a toll on your health: it can be a vortex of barbecues and get togethers with booze and stress and family too – too much chocolate, cheese, potato and pasta salads and every body falls down the rabbit hole and we collectively climb up in September with strained bank accounts and tight pants.
I hear patients say all the time that “I always put on weight during the summer holidays because there is too much booze and food”. Here’s the lowdown: it’s not the food that makes you gain the weight, YOU choosing to eat too much of “said food” makes you gain the weight. Nobody is forcing anybody to binge drink or overeat…… unless you choose to spend your summer holidays and the Señor Frogs in Cancun because if you do, there’s nothing that I can do to save you 🙂
I am writing this after my personal short vacation and I invite you to also think what it can mean for your life and your health if you are having this same problem. Let’s discuss some ways that your summer holiday can actually work for you and not always against you.
You can choose to be more mindful of your choices when your routine is semi-disrupted.
I can imagine that you already have a pretty solid established routine during your regular weeks. Your summer vacation can provide you with an excellent opportunity to ,,,, think about it – think about your established routine. It may be your routine to go for a walk or a run before you go to work each morning, but when you take that walk on your summer vacation before you spike your coffee with bailey’s’, it’s a really serious win. You could even forgo that baileys that everybody is having and save yourself for the afternoon sangria. You have some extra time now to make some new goals for September and think about how you want to feel for your next holiday at ThanksGiving.
Get fit together with your family and friends.
Want to know what one of the biggest predictors of a solid exercise routine for life is ? The answer is “social support and family”. Now you know why people who exercise in groups are five times more likely to maintain their exercise challenges and then achieve their goals. Why don’t you get your family and friends involved with your fitness goals this summer ? You may be thinking that nobody is going to be thrilled about your fabulous hiking idea while on vacation but you might just get a surprise that others might feel happy to get up and move a bit instead of just lying in a hammock.
If this information just doesn’t motivate you and you choose to follow your summer ritual of of suspending all your healthy living rules and indulge in that big summer party after party after party – then I salute you for being intentional with your choices and I will be waiting for you in September with open arms and lots of healthy advice.
Allow the bariatric experts to help you if you need support. Please reach out every opportunity you get with every question that you have – it’s not just our work to assist you. We celebrate in seeing you succeed.
About the Author: Sheri Burke is a Nutritionist and Bariatric Coordinator at International Patient Facilitators in Tijuana and Cancun, Mexico. She has worked with bariatric surgery patients for 10 years and especially enjoys providing nutritional guidance to pre and post bariatric patients. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two teens.
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Pricelist for Bariatric Procedures in Tijuana and Cancun
Make August 2017 YOUR Month!
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
Dr. Sergio Verboonen and Sheri Burke – Bariatric Coordinator and Nutritionist.
1 800 210 5124
Reach out to us if you have questions !