What’s going ? The unmentionable may be happening ! Some of those little bad habits are making their way back into your regular life? It’s the exact thing we promised ourselves that we would not do and we find ourselves doing it again. There are so many reasons for it – my job is hard, my kids need so much, my life is so busy ! There is just no time for meal prep or motivation to take the lead. It happens to all of us some of the time.
Let’s chat about progress, not perfection and a bit of balance.
You can reach out to the community of www.medicalchatmexico.com if you want to find patients in similar situations who are motivating each other. Confiding in someone is incredibly powerful and important.
It’s not too late to find your way back. It is time to set a more realistic plan to find your way back. This type of commitment needs to include a bit of meal planning. You need to be prepared when hunger sneaks up. You need to grab it before it grabs you. Eat a good breakfast and pack a healthy lunch with a snack included. Mentally prepare “what’s for dinner” so that the drive-thru doesn’t call your name when you are on your way home from work.
Water is so important – when we are thirsty, we feel hungry and we make poor choices. Water surpasses appetite and helps to burn fat. If you increase your water intake, you will find that you are just not as hungry. It’s the easiest thing to do.
Exercise needs to be a part of your everyday routine. Make it a part of your schedule. It’s not going to happen all by itself so you need to make it happen. Nothing is better for our stress levels than a bit of exercise. Do it for your body and do it for your head too. Even a small hike or walk is great for controlling your weight and bringing relief to your mind. Play some good music, lace up those shoes and open the door.
Just do it.
It’s time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get going. You’ve got this !
Gastric Balloon
Lap Band
Mini Gastric Bypass
Full Gastric Bypass
Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Plication Surgery
Conversion or Revision Surgery
Duodenal Switch Surgery

Dr. Sergio Verboonen
Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124