This simply works as a guide and helps you to connect with doctors of your choice. Please confirm the doctor’s availability before leaving your premises.
Emergency bariatric care may be needed if you experience severe abdominal pain, complications from weight loss surgery, or symptoms of nutritional deficiencies.
Guess What, Solid food is back ! You’ve made it this far and it’s time to start eating real food. This does not mean you get to eat whatever you want – you are still healing and wanting to reach your goal quickly.
Your diet will now consist of protein, vegetables, a limited amount of grains, and very little, if any, refined sugars should be added at this time.
Let’s chat about Week 4 which is Solid Foods.
This is your new healthy lifestyle so here are some tips for starting solid foods:
Introduce one new food at at time: ideally not more than one new food a day so you can gauge your body’s reaction.
Eat slowly. Chew your food well, 15 seconds each bite.
Separate your food and water by at least 30 minutes.
Continue to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.
Eat your protein first, vegetables second and carbs third.
The total caloric intake per day will usually range from 800 to 1,200 and up to 1,500 18 months after surgery.
Upon scheduling we will provide you with a detailed list of the four stages post op and what you should be consuming at each stage.