What is a pouch reset?
What an amazing organ our stomach is. It expands to fit large quantities of food and then decreases back to its average size as the food is passed into the digestive tract. Even after bariatric surgery has been done, the stomach keeps stretching and contracting.
Today society is filled with food and we can easily eat until our stomachs can no longer stretch to hold more food. In the past, this was okay due to the scarceness of food when hunting and agriculture were not available all year long. But these days we keep eating so much everyday which causes our hunger and full signals to become distorted. Now we only consider ourselves full until we can no longer physically eat another bite.
Many people say that when you eat, the folds of tissue within your stomach, stretches, and with the constant amount of food entering our bodies, it does not return to its normal size. Your stomach then welcomes larger and larger amounts of food into it until you finally feel full.
A pouch reset is a tool used to help your stomach go back to its normal size which is done by majorly decreasing the amount of food entering our bodies.
How does it work?
The pouch imitates your immediate diet after surgery. Usually the average post gastric surgery diet lasts 1 to 2 months and has four or five stages. The pouch reset lasts a little over a week but uses similar guidelines. You must remember that you are cutting down the amount of food you eat so it’s recommended that you follow this process with help of your nutritionist.
If you would like a copy of the pouch reset, reach out to us and we will send it to you:
Bariatric Options: Medical Form
• Gastric Balloon
• Lap Band
• Mini Gastric Bypass
• Full Gastric Bypass
• Gastric Sleeve
• Gastric Plication Surgery
• Conversion or Revision Surgery
• Duodenal Switch Surgery

Dr. Sergio Verboonen