Every Choice We Make Counts.
• If you’re starting on your weight loss journey, or you want to get back on track, just remember, every choice we make counts. Does it occur to you that every choice we make, even small ones, add up to the bigger picture. Yes, I know every dieting magazine article says this, but there is a reason for that: IT’S TRUE!
• Think about small changes throughout the day that we make/could make, that would add up to big calories saved or burned, that would lead to healthier bodies
• Ask Yourself ,,,, But how many opportunities am I missing? When cruising around the parking lot at the supermarket, why didn’t I park further away for a longer walk? Did I eat off my kids plates? Did I add heavy cream sauce to my chicken at lunch ? Did I drink sufficient water before breakfast ? Why didn’t I walk to the park down the street to get some extra steps in.
All of these are little, seem trivial, and individually they are. But day after day, week after week, these little shortcuts or missed opportunities add up to extra health benefits we all pass up every day. Our new goal should be to pay closer attention to the little opportunities to make a healthier choice. Always keep in the back of your mind that they will add up to something bigger!
• Yes, we can!
• Gastric Balloon
• Lap Band
• Mini Gastric Bypass
• Full Gastric Bypass
• Gastric Sleeve
• Gastric Plication Surgery
• Conversion or Revision Surgery
• Duodenal Switch Surgery

Dr. Sergio Verboonen
Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124