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When you’re on vacation, it may be very easy to abandon the lifestyle changes you have been developing. The downside is, when you return home you often have feelings of guilt and remorse about the choices you made while on vacation. Then, as you follow-up with the office to weigh, the consequences show up on the scales
It isn’t necessary to make weight loss the main goal of your vacation; however, maintaining your weight is a realistic target. Consider the following tips to keep your health in line while on vacation this year.
Tip 1. Be Prepared.
Whether you travel by plane or automobile, always be prepared. Keep healthy food options around so you will not be tempted to grab whatever is available. Pack a cooler full of satisfying small meals and beverages. Lean lunch meat, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit can take the place of fast-food and convenience store foods. Protein bars, tuna/chicken packets, and single serve peanut butter are convenient travel foods that do not have to be refrigerated. Packing these foods will also save you money. However, even though the food is available do not be tempted to snack around the clock. Delays and boredom are bound to happen. Don’t let this be an excuse to overeat.
Tip 2. Select Sensible Choices.
Make sensible choices when dining out. It is easy to break your calorie budget by eating foods that are fried. Ask that foods be baked, broiled, or grilled. Be cautious however, because some restaurants still add fat (such as butter and oil) to these dishes. You may request that your food be made without added fat.
Avoid child menus and appetizer menus. These foods are often higher in fat and the dipping sauces are loaded with sugar and calories. Foods higher in fat tend to stimulate appetite which cause you to consume more calories.
Make water a part of your meal. It fills you up and never lets you down. Don’t forget to fluid load! Fluid loading on 4-8 oz prior to a meal helps fill your pouch and prevent over eating. Remember not to drink with the meals as this can cause hunger after meals and an increase in calories at meals.
Tip 3. Don’t Forget Exercise
Select a vacation that requires you to be active. Choose a hotel that is within walking distance of popular attractions. If you choose a destination close to the ocean, make it a point to walk the shore line each day. If a body of water is accessible, participate in recreational aquatics. Sometimes hotels and resorts have an exercise room – use it! If you can’t exercise, be active daily.
Tip 4. Slow Down and Consider What you are Eating
While on vacation, it is often common to socialize while dining out. You may not realize that you are eating as much as you are if you are not paying attention. Since restaurants serve larger portion sizes, request that a to-go box be brought to the table with your meal so you are not tempted to ever eat. If you want to sit around the table and socialize, simply remove the food plates so you are not tempted to graze. The same mentality should be used for calorie-filled drinks
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Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124