Learning to add food back to your diet after surgery.
What is “normal food”?
Once released to go on your merry way and eat ‘real’ or ‘normal’ foods proceed with caution. Many post ops live in the Soft Food Zone forever – not purees or baby food, but just softer moister foods. Foods will need to have a softer texture in the beginning in order to comfortably eat them. Dry or dense foods will not work for a Lap Band, RNY, or Gastric Sleeve after your surgery. We also need to move away from processed foods as well. If a food has been changed from it’s original state and boxed or packaged where it does not go bad, leave it on the supermarket shelf.
Welcome to the real world of bariatric surgery. Protein foods such as chicken or fish need to be cooked so they are not dried out and then often need to be further moistened with salsa’s sauces, low fat vegetable gravies, salad dressing, low or no sugar sauces, or yogurt based dips so that they chew up into a moist mouthful. We must always practice mindful eating in regards to choices and textures.
Tuna, chicken, shrimp, and egg salads are very good first foods and make nice lunches for work. Paired with a few bites of tender baby greens or chopped tossed salad, they are super easy to eat and healthy too.
Do you qualify for bariatric surgery ?
Positive Changes for the Entire Family
It is not a good idea to get into the habit of cooking separate meals as it can emotionally separate you from your family. We are often responsible for the care and feeding of the household and they probably benefit from the positive change as well.
Always eat your moist protein first, followed by a couple of bites of the accompanying vegetables. Three bites protein for every one bite of vegetables is a good start – later on it will be a more balanced one for one bite.
When you have a feeling of satisfaction and do not care about eating another bite of food, stop. Do not eat past a point of satisfaction or fullness. As time progresses you will learn to recognize this point.
Much success in your journey.
International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen
1 800 210 5124