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Understanding Red Flags Of Bariatric Surgery

At International Patient Facilitators, we help those seeking affordable medical care find experienced staff and well-equipped facilities. People from the U.S., Canada and other countries have frequently visited us for these procedures,…

What About Greek Yogurt ?

It's getting so confusing nowadays!  Eat this, but not that and don't forget to add a little of this. It is more difficult to figure out what you should eat, and it seems as though new foods keep popping up with so many additional health…

What About Chia Seeds?

It's getting so confusing nowadays!  Eat this, but not that and don't forget to add a little of this. It is more difficult to figure out what you should eat, and it seems as though new foods keep popping up with so many additional health…

What about Kombucha?

It's getting so confusing nowadays!  Eat this, but not that and don't forget to add a little of this. It is more difficult to figure out what you should eat, and it seems as though new foods keep popping up with so many additional health…

Food Prep Pre and Post Bariatric Surgery

Meal planning, wow - we know we have to get it done but it can be such a drag.  You need to sit down and go over different recipes, then write up a meal plan and make a shopping list ,,, finally we get to the grocers and it's already been…