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Are You Dehydrated?

Are you 5 or 6 weeks post op and suddenly have terrible Nausea and feel just completely terrible ?  What could be wrong? You could be in the throes of DEHYDRATION, which is the number one post op complication that WILL land you back in a…

Think Healthy to be Healthy

Retraining our brains to "think healthy" takes some time and energy and understanding.  Remember, your old habits were not created in one single day and the new habits are going to take some work, time and consistency.  You need to stick it…

Prep for your bariatric surgery

Let's talk. The weeks and days prior to this important turning point in your life can make such a positive impact on your health that it is actually the first step in your recovery. CANCUN TIJUANA Getting Prepared.  Lose at…

WLS more than ditching lbs

Have your been considering WLS or are you a patient who has already had WLS ?  What is or was your motivating factor?  There are plenty of reasons for having a bariatric procedure such as losing weight, improving your health and reducing…

Why Medical Procedures Cost Less in Mexico

This is a question that many Medical Travelers have in mind when considering traveling to Mexico for a procedure. There are mainly four reasons to why it is possible to receive better or equal care in Mexico at a much lower cost than at…

Post Bariatric – Little Bad Habits

What's going ?  The unmentionable may be happening !  Some of those little bad habits are making their way back into your regular life?  It's the exact thing we promised ourselves that we would not do and we find ourselves doing it again.  …

Smart Carbs After Bariatric Surgery

Smart Carbs ? - what the heck is a carbohydrate and why is it so important to know this ?  Why Carbs ? What is a Carb ?  How are they used ?  Why is bread bad ?  How does a tortilla turn to sugar ?  Gosh it's all so complicated, or is it,,,…