Call it a vacation. Call it work. Call it a work-ation … I always have the very BEST intentions – and then “French fries and bagels” happen.
This blog touches home because I am coming off of a “work-cation” – a little bit of work, a little bit of vacation, and a lot of LIFE can get in the way.
Sure, I am going to be a good girl. I am not going to eat C$%#. I am going to exercise while I am away from home/the office. I am focused. I’ve got this …. Until I don’t.
What now? What if your plans get changed and your diet goes haywire? Do you just say F-it and fall down the pasta slide? No No No.
Look, there are going to be times when you will eat the bagel. Tell you what, you don’t need to fall ALL the way down and dust yourself off 2 weeks later. Make the next meal better. It’s just that easy. Go for a long walk. Stretch. Eat a salad. Go for a swim. It isn’t the end of the world if you eat French fries.
Don’t have the “all or nothing” mentality, please. If your breakfast isn’t perfect, have a chicken salad for lunch and get over it. Get back on plan. Be kind to yourself. You are doing your best and you are only human. Tell your internal voice to “be quiet”. This is life and you are human.
I see you and I understand. I know that there are so many perfect people out there on social media, sharing their perfect ideas. Guess what …. Bagels happen to them also. They just choose to show you their perfect meals.
A little bit of grace. You are perfect as you are.
Healthy Hugs,
About the Author: Sheri Burke is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Bariatric Surgery Coordinator at International Patient Facilitators in Tijuana and Cancun, Mexico. She has worked with bariatric surgery clients for over 10 years and especially enjoys providing nutritional guidance to pre and post bariatric clients. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two teens and cooking up a nutritional storm in the kitchen.
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