Let’s just lay all our cards on the table:
After Thanksgiving we all have food hangovers.
You may call it something else but the bottom line is that it is a bunch of symptoms that make you feel awful after a big holiday meal. Some call it bloating, nausea, stomach upset, and a feeling of Meh. It comes from overindulging on food that is too salty, sugary, fatty, spicy and too much of it.
What do we do when we overindulge and just want to feel better quickly? Overeating during the holidays is almost inevitable so here are a few things we can do after we spend a night of feasting!
Stay hydrated – drink water. It may be hard when you are feeling so full but wait an hour after eating and start to hydrate before bedtime. This will help your body cycle through toxins and rid itself of waste. You will also be happy to wake up not being a complete bloated disaster.
Get some exercise – go for a walk, outside or on a treadmill. Get your heart rate up to start burning up those high caloric foods. The workout will also release feel good endorphins and you will feel happier about all the junk you ate last night.
Eat clean today. A big part of the thanksgiving cure is to eat clean the next few days. Eat protein and healthy fats and low carb vegetables. Stay away from sugar and refined carbs for a few days to get back on track again.
No starving yourself please. A lot of people think that starving themselves after a feast will make up for it but doing this will increase your desire to do it all over again. Eat small, healthy meals. Drink plenty of water, and go for a nice walk.
Accept it and move on. It’s not the end of the world ! It’s Thanksgiving and having one big meal will not make or break you. Accept it and just move on by taking healthy steps the next few days. Try to focus on the good time that you had and the memories that you made with loved ones.
Get rid of the leftovers and give them away. Don’t let them sit in your fridge speaking to you in the middle of the night.
Let’s be accountable and reach out when we need a bit of help. We all go overboard sometimes but let’s not allow one meal to turn into two, three, or four meals.
You’ve got this~! what’s your best recommendations for moving past a holiday binge?
About the Author: Sheri Burke is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Bariatric Surgery Coordinator at International Patient Facilitators in Tijuana and Cancun, Mexico. She has worked with bariatric surgery clients for over 10 years and especially enjoys providing nutritional guidance to pre and post bariatric clients. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two teens and cooking up a nutritional storm in the kitchen.

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