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VSG Surgery – A Viable Way to Lose Weight

According to experts at International Patient Facilitators, VSG or Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy is a weight loss procedure in which the surgeon removes a large part of your stomach. A banana-sized portion of the stomach is left, which limits the amount of food that you eat.

This makes you feel full after eating small amounts of food and that in turn, leads you to lose weight, especially when paired with a healthy diet and exercise.

Word of Caution…

Before reading further, understand that Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy is not a quick fix for obesity. Like all bariatric surgeries, you must greatly change your lifestyle and diet to balance the effects of the procedure.

After the surgery, you must control your food portions, eat healthy foods and exercise. Otherwise you may have complications from poor weight loss.

Advantages of Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

  • Procedure reduces stomach capacity but allows your organ to function normally so that food is consumed. However, it only consumes does so in small amounts.
  • The procedure eliminates that portion of the stomach which produces Ghrelinhormone, which stimulates hunger.
  • Minimizes risk of ulcer
  • Eliminates intestinal obstruction, anemia, protein deficiency and vitamin deficiency, since the procedure avoids the intestinal bypass.
  • Works effectively as a first-stage procedure for patients with high BMI(BMI>55 kg/m2)
  • Offers promising results as a single stage procedure for patients with low BMI (30-50 kg/m2)
  • An appealing option for those concerned about banding procedures on foreign bodies
  • Preferable option for patients suffering through the complications of intestinal bypass procedures
  • Preferable for patients weighing over 500 pounds

Causes of Concern for Patients with VSG

Although VSG stands as a better option for patients seeking effective treatment, there are some factors that must be taken into account.

  • May not have adequate weight loss, though this factor is true of all procedures.
  • Patients with a higher BMI will require a second stage procedure.
  • Patients must limit themselves from soft calories since that can slow weight loss.
  • Insurance companies must be consulted for financial support before this procedure.
  • Patients must consider the non-reversible aspect of this procedure.

Prognosis of Vertical Sleeve Surgery

In comparison to gastric bypass surgery, the final weight loss is almost as much as the former option mentioned. However, the weight will come off slowly, so the patient may have to practice strict dietary restrictions for 2-3 years before easing themselves into a routine.

Using Our Guidance

After reading all the above information, you must have a good idea about VSG as a simple and viable weight loss procedure. If you’re considering VSG for your weight loss, allow us to guide you through the process.

International Patient Facilitators locates some of Mexico’s best surgical teams to aid your treatment. Seek a trusted facility for your weight loss surgery in Mexico!

Contact us by emailing us at and inquire about this Gastric Sleeve Procedure.


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Price list for Bariatric Procedures in Tijuana and Cancun


Make August 2017 YOUR Month!  

International Patient Facilitators – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
Dr. Sergio Verboonen and Sheri Burke – Bariatric Coordinator and Nutritionist.

1 800 210 5124

Reach out to us if you have questions !

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