testimonials bariatrics

testimonials bariatrics

Name: Casey
Email: casey@ipf-mail.com

Hello, my name is Casey and I have battled my weight all my life. Going back all the way to kindergarten I was picked on for being the fat girl. Growing up I had tried every diet possible, took unhealthy pills and worked out. I never could get a handle on my struggle. After having my daughter in 2012 I knew I had to make a change for myself and my family. I had heard about a group of woman from my hometown going to Mexico for weight loss surgery. They all looked wonderful and said they had a great experience.

I contacted International Patient Facilitator’s through their web site. My patient facilitator, Sheri, walked me through every step of the process and answered all my questions. My husband and I traveled to Cancun Feb 20th 2014 where Dr. Verboonen performed vertical sleeve gastrectomy. It was the best decision I’ve ever made!  post-op I’ve lost 80 pounds. I can run, hike and most importantly play with my daughter. I cannot being to express how life changing this whole process has been. I feel so free in my body. Free from worrying about what I can and cannot do or what I can or cannot fit in. I have a new outlook on life and I know I will now live a long, healthier life. International Patient Facilitators had a huge hand in this life changing process and I would love nothing more than to be that for other people. I look forward to sharing my personal story with others and helping them create their own personal triumph.

Name:Lee Sweet

Hi Sheri,ok, so maybe I haven’t been a fast weight loss superstar…I have had my struggles along the path…but I finally am hitting my half-way point in my goal of losing 100 lbs!

I am so happy with how everything is going Sheri. I have read the comment I am going to make right now, so many times, from so many sleeve/WLS patients…”I wish I would have done this years ago”!!!

Please use me for a reference if you need to. I feel great and Dr. V did a wonderful job, as my doctors here in Minnesota can attest to.

I am learning a lot about why I eat and how I eat. Lol, this is why I haven’t been a speedy weight loss person. I am an emotional eater and I eat if I am stressed and I eat if I am bored. The surgery allowed me the ability to evaluate why I was putting food in my mouth…because I certainly am not hungry! And, I have learned it’s not about depriving yourself the foods you love necessarily….it’s all about moderation. I only have the ability to take in so much food…so I better have it meet the nutritional criteria first…and hopefully the “tastes good” criteria second.

I love my sleeve. It’s my safety net. It certainly hasn’t been a cure all, but it has really kept me in line and focused.

Well, on to part two of my weight loss journey! Who knows if I will really get to my goal of 100 lbs lost… I just know I am feeling so much better in my own body and I look forward to seeing where I end end up.

Have a great day.


What a difference a year can make Sheri. Hello to you. I have attached a few photos for you to view. Feel free to use them.

Take care and keep in touch.
Mike Winfrey

Name: James Jewart

Lap Band Surgery Mexico

Hey Sheri,, how is Cancun? Coming up this week on two months post-op. Thought I would give you an update.

From the start of my pre-op diet I’m down 78lbs (375lbs to 297lbs). Things are going great. Just had Father’s Day and went shopping for some new clothes. Transition stuff since most of my old stuff is falling off of me and looks really sloppy in the office. Have had a few issues with eating. Cause its hard to get myself to slow down. But working on it.

I’ll keep in touch as things continue.

Name:Benjamin Yedid

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Mexico

Hi Shery, Dr. Verboonen and Operation Friends: This is an update of how I am doing and how is my life now.I have lost 60 Pounds in total, and these are the most important things to share I think. Now I: Exercise, just 30 min a day.I have snacks sometimes a little I have chocolates sometimes also but they are not to good on me now.

I don’t have carbonated drinks, cause they make me feel inflated, and I do not like how I feel I drink a lot of tea or water I prefer fish over everything, but I have beef, chicken, lamb, prefer fish Now I drink water with clorofila (GNC) it is a fresh mint flavor for the water, and I love it I have no problem with rice, but I prefer it to be crunchy or toast the rice I don’t let more than 3 hours go by, without having something to eat I am sending a before picture of me before, and a now picture of me Thank you for Everything

Name: Karen & J.R. Carr
Email: carrksc@hotmail.com

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Mexico

We made it home!! Great trip, great surgery!! Sheri, I can not thank you and Eric enough for all the hospitality, coordination, and kindness from both of you!! We feel we were in the best of hands and felt treated like Royalty!! Thank you again, you are both very special people!!

Positive Regards!!

Name:Keith J. Leslie

Mini Bypass Surgery Mexico


Just before my surgery you sent me a progress picture of a former patient. I thought I’d send you one as to where  after surgery. Was at my highest weight of 384 just before I chose to have the VSG with Dr. V. on my 9 month anniversary of my surgery day. Please feel free to share with Dr. V. or any prospects you may be trying to win over. You can also use it on your site if you like. I still have about 35lbs to go but as you can see I am we’ll on my way.

Thanks for everything.


Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Hi Sheri, it has been approximately 6 mths., I’ve lost all 65 pounds and feel so much better. 4 weeks after surgery I had a doctors appt and all my blood work was great. The doctor wanted to know what I had done. He wished it wasn’t so hard to get it done in the U.S. I go for my 6 mths. check up the end of Jan., I am looking for another great blood work. I’ve gone from a size 14-16 and bought a pair of 8 pants today.

Sherry Shirley

Name:Tim Newman
Email: ebntdn724@cebridge.net

This is my 87 lbs lost photo and my pants when I was 365 lbs. I am now 287 lbs.

Forever Thank You.
Tim Newman.

Name: Casey
Email: casey@ipf-mail.com

Together we’ve lost 260 pounds and clearly don’t take up as much room in the picture. Such a crazy visual to see the change.

Name:Twila Cox

Lap Band over Gastric Bypass

Hey Sheri, just wanted to thank you, Dr. V and all the staff. I had a very wonderful experience in Mexico. The hospital was nothing like I expected it to be, it was so much better. I was looking for a revision to bypass when I came upon the web site International-patient-facilitators. As I was looking at the testimonials I had a good feeling. After searching several sites I kept coming back to this one. After several emails and questions later I decided that was what I was going to do, get my surgery in Mexico. When I got to the hospital I finally got to meet the wonderful person on the other end of all my emails. Sheri was so helpful through the whole process. She was there to hold my hand all the way through and answer all my questions. The hospital was beautiful, all the staff was very friendly and professional. I got to meet Dr. V and his staff and they all put me at ease. So whatever nervousness I had was gone and I felt more relaxed. After surgery I was taken to a very nice private room and had great care by the nurses. So again I just want to say Thank you for the great experience I had.



Hi Sheri,

It has been only 3 weeks since we came to have weight loss surgery. My highest weight was 243lbs. Today was a thrill to get on the scale and see 219.1. I have had mild discomfort just because I bruise easily. Everything is healing nicely. I have started on a little soft food with no problem but actually more comfortable sticking with the liquid and protein drink. I was worried about throwing up, so thankful that I have not thrown up at all. I did feel uncomfortably tight one time when I think I over ate. but it settled and I learned to listen to my body when it says STOP EATING.( I am betting I will have to learn that lesson over and over).

My husband Scott and I were so impressed with the nursing staff and the great care we received. I have already been to see my family doctor and he was very pleased with my progress and complimented Dr V’s work. The nurse even hugged me when she weighed me in.

We are walking everyday and working out on some exercise equipment. I am still taking it easy on my stomach area and just working my legs and arms for now. I am looking forward to the future.

Name:Karen Proctor

Hi Sheri, It’s been awhile, it’s been kind of crazy for me the last month. I had told you about my sister, & then my friend died in a motorcycle accident & then my step brother died. Lot’s of stress. HOW EVER, having had my surgery & lost some weight I was in much better shape to handle it all. I have even started back to work part time. Have been walking (not as much as I should but tons more than I used to) & I went to a music festival & DANCED MY HEART OUT !!! (probably let go of a lot of stress). But I wanted to thank you guys so very much for being there & being so supportive . Thank you so much to the Doctors for doing my surgery. The quality of my life has improved 10,000%. My Husband thinks this is this best move I could of made for my self health wise.

Even my blood pressure is GREAT ! I finally told all of my friends what I had done & every one is being so positive. It’s all so great.
will need to come to T.J. in July for a fill. Thank you Sheri , Karen P.S. I’ve gotten to the point that I had to buy new clothes & I can buy just x-large now instead of 3x &2x’s !!! : )

Karen Proctor

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Hi Sheri,
How are you doing girlie?
Since I last emailed, I have moved to Florida to be near my mom. Cris is still in Indiana but has visited twice since I arrived May 23. We are working on selling our house up north and hoping it moves soon.

I am so happy with my sleeve. I am eating more these days, but still losing. I’m down to 173 (as of today). I’ll include a few pics for ya. I must not have liked February, cause I don’t see any taken during that month. I don’t have one from the last few weeks either but will get some to you. I am down to a solid size 14 and feel pretty darn good. I can bend at the waist and still breath and I can finally cross my legs again and even wind them around one more time. It’s so much fun!

Thank you and the docs for everything!
Total loss = 68 pounds

Name: Cindy
Email: cindy@cayecaulkerpropertiesforsale.com

Hi Dr. V. & Sheri,

Just a quick note to say “Hi” and give you an update on where I am at.

I am currently maintaining my weight at 142 lbs give or take a pound or two in either direction. I feel fantastic. My skin has bounced back really well considering my age and that I lost almost 90 lbs.

Thank you. Cindy

Name:Pat and Ed Ward

Dear Sheri,

Thank you very much for all you have done to prepare me for my cosmetic surgery and hotel.
It has been exactly as you said it would be and I can’t thank you enough. Hopefully we will see you in a couple of years for Ed’s eyes and jowls.Love,

Pat and Ed Ward

Kristie and Steve Archuleta
Hi Dr V and Sheri!


I would just like to give you an update and I will attach a photo of Steve and I. The photo was taken on May 19 right after we completed a half marathon (13.1 miles).

We are 16.5 weeks post surgery, Steve has lost 71 lbs! His starting weight was 300 the day of surgery he was 282 and today he is 239!!! he has gone from wearing a size 40 (extremely tight) to wearing a 36 with room to spare a XXL shirt to now a large thats getting a bit big!! How is that for awesome??!

My starting weight was 191 the day of surgery and I am at 161 today! I went from wearing a size 14 jeans and XL shirts (both of which were a bit tight especially my shirts) to wearing…..drum roll please…….. brace yourselves for this one- a 7-8 and medium on most shirts……..how amazing is that!! I have been at a stand still as far as the weight loss goes but Sheri you did warn me about getting closer to my ideal weight and that it would be harder to lose. So I have upped my protein and will start upping my exercise regimen or maybe just change it up! We are still exercising almost everyday….we do miss occasionally. I went to the endocrinologist on May 2 and was told that my diabetes was in remission!!!!! I am ecstatic about that!!! I was tired of being on medication! especially since it was not helping me out at all.


I cannot tell you how grateful I am! This process has been amazing and extremely satisfying! I told you both that I had tried for years to have a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis but nothing was working, this amazing surgery has worked. and is still working! I feel amazing, I feel like I look pretty darn good! and the fact that it works is unbelievable!!I am hoping that some of the people I have been telling about this surgery have at least been considering it! I tell everyone that asks!! and I highly recommend you guys!!

Dr Verboonen Thank you for being such an awesome surgeon with an amazing team of drs, please pass on to Maria (our amazing nurse) a big hug, and tell her that whenever I have a belly ache I remember her fondly and say out loud “massage-massage”!!!!

Sheri, thank you for all your help pre surgery and all your help and support post surgery!! You are an inspiration and I felt completely comfortable in all our dealings!!!

Thank you so much, you all have given us our lives back! We will now be healthy enough to live a much longer and more productive life!!With much love and gratitude!!

Kristie and Steve Archuleta!!! kbarchuleta@hotmail.com

Name: Rana Sue
Email: granaranasue@yahoo.com

Testimonial:Hi Sheri…….just a word to up-date you
Have lost 81 pounds,,,,,waiting to have my hip surgery done…i go to surgeon next Friday to schedule it…….hope all my crew are well too…..susie and family are well…

have recommended several people to you….hope all is well….love Rana Sue

Name: Scott and Dawn Haun
Email: sewsilly321@yahoo.com

Lap band

Hi Sheri,
the 2 pictures are a of Scott and me, both of us were patients of Dr Verboonen. I had my Lapband in August 2010 and Scott Jan 2011.
I have lost so far over 70 lbs and Scott about lost 60lbs. Scott is also off his Diabeties meds and virtually “non Diabetic”.

The Lap Band has been the most effective tool for weight loss. Loosing apx 6 lbs a month sometimes seemed slow at times but I am doing fine.

We are eating healty and are pretty active.Looking back at pituress of how we were makes me very happy where we are today and encouraging to where we will be.

Dr. Verboonen and Sheri. THANK YOU VERY MUCK!

Name: Lindy Scott

Gastric Sleeve

Dear Sheri, Wanted you to know I am down to 185 already. I am so excited! Thanks for everything. I would be happy to share my experience. Have a blessed 4th of July or do you celebrate the 4th there?


Name: Trina
Email: tpellegrini@cox.netm

So today is my 4th week. I’m doing great! … no pain. They look beautiful!!! Can I go into the pool now? I’m still going to wait until I start back in Hapkido or exercising… not quite ready for that yet! But would love to lounge in the pool. Hope all is well… Thanks for everything. It was a wonderful experience.

Take care.

Name: Kara McCluskey
Email: kbiery2005@yahoo.com

As I am coming up on the 1 year anniversary of my lap band, I have done a lot of reflecting on my experiences with you and Dr. Verboonen over the past year. Having surgery in a foreign country can be terrifying. However,since I was familiar with Cancun, I knew my surgery would be done there. You made all the hotel arrangements, arrangements were everything you explained to me.When I had surgery at the Galenia Hospital, everyone was so helpful and friendly. Dr. Verboonen was very comforting and calmed me when I got nervous right before surgery.The rooms at Galenia were gorgeous and it was better than any hospital or care I would receive in the US. Two days later I flew home with minimal pain but a new life to look forward to. Even after the surgery, you both were still available when I had questions or concerns.

To summarize my year, I have lost 50 pounds and feel wonderful. I have self-confidence, which had been lacking for years due to being obese.Although I would like to lose more weight, I now realize that weight is just a number. Feeling good and being healthy is more important. I truly want to thank both you and Dr. Verboonen for giving me the opportunity to change my life. I am so grateful to both of you for your efforts in allowing me to have a wonderful experience with the Lap Band. I now look forward to the rest of my life and want to embrace the journey. Thank you so much and wishing you continued success.

Name: Tim Newman
Email: ebntdn724@cebridge.net

I had a check up on Wed last week. I have now hit 87 lbs lost.!!!! I have dropped 12 inches in the waist and also dropped inches in the neck, chest and legs.13 more lost pounds and I will hit the century mark!!!

People are really noticing the weight loss and they are teasing me now by calling me skinny. LOL
I still mainly drink the protein drinks and feel very satisfied with them. I do eat some regular food but my cravings are not there. The craving for sweets are gone and when I see deserts, I have no desire to eat any. If the food does not look appealing or I can smell the grease, I don’t eat it..
I don’t drink the soda. If the food is a little bit greasy then I am not able to eat it. When I do actually eat food (mainly veggies or fish) my body notices that I am missing something and not balanced so I drink the protein meal replacement and feel satisfied.
I am very pleased with the surgery. You can barely see the scars from the surgery. Sometimes, certain food gets caught in the area of the hernia but I wait a little bit and it will eventually move.

I don’t like it when I drink to much or eat to much. It makes me burp the food and I can tell it has not gone down. I definitely don’t over eat very often.My goal is still roughly 200 lbs and a 38 inch waist.

Well that is about it for now. Again, I thank you for helping me turn my life around.

Name: Jennifer Gates

It starts with the friendly and informative emails you get from her and the encouragement she extends through calls and email to get everything ready for your life changing journey in Mexico. Her confidence in the procedures and the surgeons here set your mind at ease. You may be traveling with companions for support or you may be coming alone. It doesn’t matter to her, she is warm and accommodating no matter how you need to do this. The day finally comes and you arrive in San Diego. So nervous about what you are about to do and wondering if you’ve made the right decision to do this out of the country. Suddenly you get a cheery hello from a sweet lady with an adorable Louisiana accent confirming your arrival and telling you what kind of car she is in anxiously awaiting you. You finally meet this wonderful lady named Lana in person. From this moment on you no longer feel scared, she takes charge.

She is so positive and fun right from the start you forget that you are coming to another country to have a procedure that you’ve dreamed about maybe for years. Lana wonderfully puts you at ease just by the way she is. She escorts you to the clinic or hospital to start your journey. She makes sure all the details and arrangements are in place. From this moment you no longer need to worry about your surroundings, your care or aftercare. Since Lana has personally experienced bariatric procedure here, she knows first hand your anxiety and concerns. With that knowledge she has tailored her custom care program just for you and any other of the lucky patients who decide to stay with her. You don’t have to choose this option, mind you. You can opt to stay at the very nice local hotel that caters to conventions and business people. You will however, miss out on having a wonderful caring and kind individual who knows firsthand your needs even before you do.

When you arrive at her home for your aftercare you will be pleasantly greeted by a fantastic view of the ocean and a gorgeous gated community that will make you feel safe and secure but also gives that feeling of “home”. Lana has thought of everything. Each room is equipped to take care of all your needs and wants. Peaceful and tranquil are good words to describe your stay at Lana’s place. I came to have band surgery almost 4 years ago and did the hotel experience because Lana’s place was not yet in existence. Since then I’ve come numerous times for fills and more recently for an emergency surgery as well as escorting a patient through her band procedure. I’ve experienced both aftercare options personally. Without hesitation I would whole heartedly recommend to anyone that they stay at Lana’s place. From the moment you meet her to the moment you, with tears hug her goodbye at the airport, you will receive the best care possible in Mexico. You will experience fantastic healthcare from the surgeons here and as an added bonus make a lifelong friend as I have.

Thanks Lana!
Jennifer Gates, Truckee, CA

Name: christi

I have lost 48lbs and nothing fits,,yeah!!! I have 102lbs left to loose.

I will let you know what i find out about the bloodwork. This is important to me::: PLEASE tell my nurses that I have bragged about them, telling everyone how great they were and how spotless the hospital was. I just loved them to pieces! so please tell them for me. and of course i love you and my doctor team. Anyways, i hope its not as hot there as it is here, but i’m sure your melting just like me.Take care,

Name: Rana Sue

Dear Sheri,Dr.V &team
An update to let you all know that I am doing great. Have just come from a monthly check up and am very proud to report that I have lost a total…(Drum Roll Please ),50 pounds. Weighing in at 302, down from 352 and feeling really good. Can tell a big difference in my knees and breathing. And Yes Dr. V, I am walking more.

Is’t always easy but I do it. Was very glad to hear the up-date on Benny, althought I didn’t get to meet him, I am very happy for him.
Will try to send pics the next time I go for a check up, which is March 23, Please keep me up to date on everyone as you get them.

Thank You All so much for the knowledge and practice of your craft, and the Caring of Your Hearts to help people like me that have this one chance in life left.

Thank You All So Much…………Rana Sue

Email: midasmith@tvn.net

Hi Sheri
I just wanted to update you. I am out and I am down 140lbs. I could not be happier with my sleeve.God Bless and God Speed!!! XOXO Michelle


My recovery has been great from my tummy tuck and breast lift, I haven’t had any problems at all.My incisions are still numb in places but healing nicely.I have bought some pretty new bras size 40D and I have been able to fit into a size 12 pair of jeans when I started this whole process I was in a size 20. That was before my bypass and then my cosmetic surgery.

I am thrilled with my results so far. Dr Gomez was great and I will definitely be back for the other procedures. Dr Gomez took such pride in his work he is an artist.Thank you Sheri for all you did and all you do you will be hearing from me again real soon.

Name: Pastor Pet
Email: pastorpeterpb@gmail.com

Just thought I’d give you a quick progress report… Trina is still at her sister’s home in Arizona, and will be coming back to Indiana on the 28th. She has lost two more pounds, and is now at 208. (She started her pre-op diet at 225, and had her surgery at 216.) I fully expected her weight to go down very slowly, as she has the most efficient metabolism on earth! I have watched her torture herself with 800 and 900 calorie diets FOR MONTHS and lose only a few pounds at the very beginning, and then, nothing more. The one thing I KNOW is that this is going to work and the results will be permanent – and life saving!

Bottom line, Trina can be a poster girl for the very best possible outcome for the Sleeve Procedure. She’s doing beautifully, and is looking forward to swimming in her sister’s pool in just a few days!

Thanks for everything, and I’ll keep you posted

Name: Robert Holt
Email: studrooster2003@yahoo.com

I weighed this morning and finally hit the triple numbers on my weight loss. I have lost 103 lbs to date. Thanks for all your help with my lap band process.

Name: Sandy Ballinger/ MGB
Email: puglvr1jn@att.net

Just a little over 5 months out and the weight is still coming off at a good rate. Down a total of 103 lbs!!! People don’t recognize me anymore. Feeling great. Well worth it. If you told me I had to go back every year and have my MGB done over I would not hesitate to say yes. Finding your group was a God send. Thank you again.Keeping the faith, Sandy Ballinger.

Name:Sandy Higgins

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

I’m down to 161 lbs. I’ve been doing great !

Hi Sheri,

I was in Cancun this time last year for my gastric sleeve. I’ve been doing great so far. I’m down to 161 lbs. I’ll send you a picture. I’m still trying to lose 10 lbs and it’s a tough 10 lbs. The weight came off fairly slow and I was pleased for that. Feel free to use my photos if you want to.

Sandy Higgins

Name: Dawnlyn and Donna Holman
Email: nurseshelpu@yahoo.com

My daughter, 15 year old son, and I all had surgery in Cancun Mexico. It was a great experience. The entire trip to Mexico went very smoothly with Sheri. Sheri arranged everything very efficiently. The hospital was very clean. The atmosphere and hospital was better than hospitals I have been admitted to in the US. Your care in the hospital is more personalized;

Dr. Verboonen takes out extra time to make sure you feel comfortable with the type of gastric surgery that you chose. We felt at ease and self-assured that this was the best place and doctor to have the surgery with. My son due to his age, we felt the best surgery was the gastric plication .It has been successful for him and he has lost 50 Lbs. and continues to go down until he reaches his weight loss goal. My daughter and I had the gastric sleeve. We have also, lost 50 Lbs. and continue to our weight lost goals. We are happy with our choice of the hospital and doctor. We hope to come to Cancun at a later time for cosmetic surgery. We plan to enlist Sheri’s invaluable help to schedule the next health trip.

Name: Helen
Email: heleninthewoods@hotmail.com

Hi Sheri.
Sheri, you were the reason I went with IPF for my VSG and the fact that you are a fellow Canadian…..of course I also trusted the group of surgeons.
I wanted to thank you to you and Erick for being there for me and Mom. You are such a cheerleader and honest person. Everything you said was on target. Thank you for being there to help me with my journey to my new life. There were many angels sent on this mission,

Talk to you soon!

Name: Coach Rich Johnson
Testimonial: Hi there Sheri,

Just a little report. I guess it’s 4 weeks since my surgery now. Things are going really well. I’m slowly settling into a new pattern of eating and getting used to the whole idea of eating a whole lot less! I’m finding that I can eat just about anything…a little at a time. It’s funny. Took my daughter to breakfast yesterday. She’s a little petite thing and she totally out ate me! My small omelette took me four meals to finish throughout the day!
I’m down still around 60 lbs from my last Dr. appt. here two weeks prior to surgery. My strength is coming back and I plan to get over to the YMCA to work out next week once my incisions are totally healed up. I may even try to get over there today to do just a little bike work.
I’m hoping that by the time school starts I’ll be down at least 100 lbs!
Thanks again for all of your support Sheri…you’re my inspiration!!!
This isn’t a great picture, but here’s me at 328, down from 387!!!
Coach Rich Johnson
Lake Steilacoom Youth Athletics

253 677-6494 http://lanceryouthfootball.com

Name: Jack Hobby, Savannah GA
Email: smiledog@hargray.com

Just wanted to say Hello and tell you I’ve lost 80lb since I had surgery. Every one asks me if I would do it again. Damm right I would and I give them your name. Tell Eric and Dr. Verboonen that we said “Hello”.
Thanks again.

Medical Advice Disclaimer. The content of the Web Site, including without limitation, text, copy, audio, video, photographs, illustrations, graphics and other visuals, is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or recommendations of any kind. Personal results may differ for each individual.You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by this website. Any information provided by International Facilitators Mexico Inc. in person, by telephone or through marketing materials, including but not limited to, all print audio and online information is for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information appearing on this Web Site is solely at your own risk.

Name: Christopher Abell
Email: cabell64@gmail.com

Testimonial: My experience with International Patient Facilitators (Sheri Burke) By Christopher Abell Let me start by saying this… electing to have any surgery done is a stressful decision. I, and my girlfriend, did a lot of research before undertaking this procedure. What struck us about IPF and Sheri Burke was her up-front honesty and attention to detail. As we started weeding doctors and locations out, Sheri sounded like the best deal going on all fronts. Not just from a monetary stance – there were cheaper surgeons – but, from a ‘peace of mind’ stance.

First, was the location. Cancun – for all intents and purposes – is a resort. It is a young town just barely 40 years old. Having lived in America all my life, I didn’t realize places like that existed. I’ll be brutally honest – I’m a New Yorker – thinking of Mexico made me think of crime and my safety. No number of words could make me change my mind, until I was there sitting on the white beaches looking out over the blue waters and sucking in that clean air.

Sheri was very good about making the reservations and even changing them around a few times. It was difficult to schedule around plane departures and work commitments. Sheri took it all in stride and suggested hotels based on our needs.

ur arrival was flawless, and after being taken to our close hotel by a shuttle, we met with Sheri. She is a quite the professional. She handled every detail and made this very nervous guy a little less nervous. At this point, it was just a waiting game. The next day we moved to another hotel right on the water, and I spent four days just sitting in the sun. The hotels she picked were extremely nice.

The day of surgery wasn’t what I expected either. I assumed all surgery was done at the crack of dawn. Not so. My surgery time was at 5 or 6PM – giving me a lot of time to prep. At this point, I finally met my surgeon, Dr. Verboonen. Honestly, by now, Sheri had answered so many of my questions, I only had one or two for the doctor.

The surgery was the easiest part. I barely remember anything. I was laying on a table, and then it was 5 hours later. Talk about easy! Recovery was a new experience for me. The rooms at Galenia were wonderful. It was by far, better than any hospital I had ever seen in America. The room was outfitted with marble counter-tops, a huge couch, a big flat-screen television, and a walk-in shower that was 8 feet by 5 feet. Of course, there was a hospital bed in the room, and I won’t lie – that first day or so – all I wanted to do was sleep.

Two days later, I was on a beach again. Three days later, I was on an airplane back to Washington DC, and four days later, I was driving! I had to take it easy for a week or two – no heavy lifting or exercise. The diet isn’t that tough either. Once you see how good you feel eating right, you’re not tempted to go back to any bad habits.

So – in closing – It’s been 40 days since my surgery. I’m down 49 pounds! I feel great, I have new clothes, and I’m sure by summer, I’ll be down much more. Sheri and Dr. Verboonen literally changed my life! I am eternally grateful to both of them!

Name: Meredith
Email: draper_meredith@yahoo.com
Testimonial: Hi Sheri

Ok, another update! Well things have been going well. I have not gotten my first fill yet. I have it scheduled for may 18th. My surgery was on march 26th. Over the last week I have been able to eat just about anything. I’m trying to keep the 14lbs I have lost off till I get the fill. I haven’t lost in a wk but I haven’t gained any of the weight back that I initial lost. I feel confident that after this first fill I will start to have some drastic changes. I’m so excited and I love looking into the future at what will be. My goals are very attainable. I just have to stay focused.

Please say Hi to Dr. V for me!

Lost 14lbs,Lost 13 inches,Thank you much!

Name: Janis
Email: janiscurry6@aol.com


I am so happy that I made this decision and thanks for all your help along the way. I’ll have to send pictures to keep you updated with my progress. Thanks again for helping me.


Name: Lisa Gorsuch
Email: lmgblonde@yahoo.com

Life has been crazy busy… I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to send you a note. I hope you are all doing well.
Let’s see, I had my procedure five months ago (as of April 28). I’ve lost 100 pounds. I’m thrilled with my progress, but it just makes me want more:) I’m not sure how this progress stands up against other people, but I’m happy with it. I’m gonna keep going!
I’m still trying to pay off the procedure and I’m trying to buy a house. My job is very demanding as well. I guess it’s true what they say, there’s never a dull moment. I’m not complaining. I have so much to be thankful for and I am very thankful!
I know that you are always extremely busy as well, but I would love to hear from you, if and when you have time.

Let me know how you’re all doing.

Thanks so much for everything!

Love,Lisa Gorsuch

Name: Chao, Amada
Email: carmenvallerie@sbcglobal.net

How are you? Once more I want to thank you for the efforts you made in order to get me to decide about having my mini bypass surgery. When I was searching for the information you promptly answer and gave me all the information and the assurance that I needed then.
Starting with the Hospital, I never doubt that it was not going to be good hospital due to I all ready known several Hospital in Ecuador where I had had surgery, so I was confident that it was going to be Ok. as well as the Dr.’s. Every one at the Hospital were kind and professional.
They answered all my questions and as I was expecting everything went perfect.
Now I feel great some times I lose 5 ponds in week and this is so new to me that I can’t believe this is happening to me.
Thank you Sherri for all your help, I can’t thank you enough for how prompt you answer to all my question, you are a very knowlegeble person you know all the answer and if you do not know you will contact a Dr. your are the best, very conpasionate and at the same time strong, perseverant y como nosotros los hispanos decimos tenaz.

Gracias querida amiga.

Name: Wendy

I made my decision pretty quick to go down to Mexico to get the surgery and yes all my friends and family were just paranoid and just thought I was being risky and unsafe. I have been to Cancun 2 other times for vacation and its wonderland so it just sounded perfect for me but what really helped me to have confidence to make this big decision was Sheri…..she is who she says she is…..she cares about her clients and will respond and answer honestly to whatever you need to know. Trust her….she is so caring and will make this as easy as possible for you. She wants you to make the right decision.
I originally planned on getting the lap band basically because its reversible but the more I heard about the sleeve I thought it was more appropriate for me. 10 mins before I had gone in to get ready for the blood work and EKG…my friend said Wendy just do the sleeve so you don’t have to deal with the fills.
I made this change about 30 mins before going into the operating room. Dr. V and Sheri came in together to make sure that I was comfortable with my decision and also to show me the actual Lap Band that he was going to give me….and all the sudden I said is it too late to get the Sleeve and Sheri and the Dr both were excited for me.

So I have to tell you I am so thrilled with how everything went….it was just perfect. As I said, Sheri does everything for you. I promise you will end up friends. Dr V is very kind….neither of them are pushy.

You can tell they both love what they do As for the hospital….Ive never seen such a well staffed hospital in my life. Every single nurse and doctor that I dealt with was truly the kindest. If you need something its like they are at your door waiting to assist. As far as cleanliness….I was in the room for 2 days and the maintenance people came in 4 times to clean….now how could I make any messes being that I hadn’t eaten for two days….lol.

So bless you both and all I have is my words here but I can not say anything negative about this program. Please write back if you have anything else of concern.

Name: Valerie Hollowell
Email: vhollowell@yahoo.com

I just wanted to send out a note because I am so happy! I had my gastric sleeve surgery with Dr Verboonen in Cancun on March 14, 2009 and I could not be happier! For those of you considering weight loss surgery in Mexico I cannot express how overly pleased I am with my patient facilitator, surgeon, hospital and overall experience!! Cancun is such a great place! It’s very commercialized and very American-ized, which made me feel at home right away!.
My patient facilitator was Sheri and she was probably the 12 PF I’d talked to about a surgery in Mexico. As soon as I heard her voice I was sold. Her upbeat personality and positive energy came through the phone and I immediately knew where I should go! I booked my plane tickets that night!! And I have never looked back!
The hospital was immaculate and practically brand new! The rooms were very nice and looked like rooms in an American hospital! They were all single rooms with marble floors and a couch and recliner for my friend who went with me! The nurses were very nice and accommodating! And the surgery team was amazing! They all came in to meet with me before the surgery and made me feel comfortable. The next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery! That night around midnight I was feeling a little discomfort (gas and bloating)and Dr. Verboonen himself called me to see how I was doing! I wonder how many US doctors would do the same?

Anyway before I knew it, I was back home again in Indiana! My only slight complication was an allergic reaction to the adhesive used on my bandages. Now, the only reason I mention this is because even when I was back in the states, my two head surgeons Dr. Verboonon and Dr. Perez emailed, text and called me to see how I was doing!! Talk about going above and beyond the call of duty. They didn’t have a nurse call or my patient facilitator they both contacted me multiple times!.

My rash may be gone but my positive feelings about my surgeons, my patient facilitator and my experience in Cancun will always live on! If anyone out there is considering a surgery in Mexico I would be happy to give you all the ins and outs of my time in Cancun. I urge everyone to do their research but for me, there was only one place and that was in Cancun with Dr. Verboonen.

Name: Heather Hall
Email: trollorbusy@yahoo.com

I just wanted to let you know that my bmi is down to 33. and i can fit in to a size 13! I was up to a 20!! wow ! I really was hoping that the weight would come off of my abs. 1st but for the first time in years i only have one chin so I’m not complaining. Mom is doing good to. we are so happy to have gotten this done i wish i had done it years ago.

Name: Donna Howell
Email: dhowell13@cogeco.ca

Hi Sheri
Sorry it took awhile to reply. I can’t see where to send update on the link but will send to you.
Had sleeve done by Dr. Verboonen and Ponce de Leon April 27th 2009 in TJ. After going through a lot of sites and listening to people good and bad I contacted individuals myself and felt very good about my decision when I left Canada for TJ. It has been the best decision I have ever made in my life! I did have a rough couple of months getting used to it all but so do many it seems. Well now I am doing awesome and haven’t felt this good since I was 20. The TJ experience was terrific and staying at Lana’s recovery house was something that helped in my decision also which was incredible compared to a hotel room. She is wonderful and I am so glad to have met her. I have now lost 81 lbs and weighing at 132lbs. My goal was 125 but I don’t really care if I get there as I am comfortable now and just need to tone now. I have a new gym membership and starting yoga and squash and water aerobics. I can’t say enough about the TJ experience and have a couple friends looking into it since they have seen my progress. My at home doctor has been unbelievably supportive to me and I thank the OBGB group for everything including the availability of contact in my aftercare for any concerns. I am very appreciative and loved all the hospital staff and Dr. V’s group. Thank you, Thank you , Thank you!
Pics attached are day before surgury, 1mth post op and 5 mths post op. You can post on your site Sheri.
Thank you
Donna Howell,Brockville, Ontario Canada

Name: Cathydee Shumacher
Email: cd.schumacher@hotmail.com

Dear Sheri,
Things have been going well after my facelift and blepharoplasty procedures in Cancun with Dr. Gomez at the Galenia Hospital. I am liking every bit of the results and you can post this with my contact information.

Name: Larry Hall
Email: trollorbust@yahoo.com

I just wanted to let you know that my bmi is down to 33. and i can fit in to a size 13! I was up to a 20!! wow ! I really was hoping that the weight would come off of my abs. 1st but for the first time in years i only have one chin so I’m not complaining. Mom is doing good to. we are so happy to have gotten this done i wish i had done it years ago.

Name: Jonathan Uria
Email: andystruck10@aol.com

Hi, Sheri.
I’m doing great and lost 30 pounds in my first 3 weeks. I feel great. Thank you for all you support and help. I hope my mom can have her surgery too as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Name:Kathy’s sister, Carol

Hello Sheri,
Accompanying my sister Kathy to Cancun was a given as she is so very special to me. Her decision to take this scary step into the unknown was a natural concern. MEXICO for SURGERY! OMG! Kathy would forward the web site, I read every word looking for something that felt wrong. Greeted by this darling Blondie (Sheri) sure this can’t be real! I envisioned being met by an unkempt Rosita, transported to a hospital that had seen better days, with antiquated equipment and equally rough looking staff. We would be lucky if we even seen the doctor. Surgery would be preformed, we would be transferred to a second rate hotel and hope the beds were clean.

From the time we arrived at the airport to our return trip there we were treated like special guests. The Galenia Hospital has the appearance of opulence and cleanliness. Something the US hospitals could take note of. The nurses, technicians and surgeon (in their perfectly starched whites) expressed genuine concern for her safety, comfort and well being. Sheri was there checking on everything and always a call away if needed. The housekeeping staff were constantly cleaning Cleaning What? There wasn’t a speck of dirt or dust bunny to be found. I even checked under the bed for grease, nothing there!
The entire experience was beyond belief. A successful surgery, I couldn’t have wished for better care for my sister Kathy. I love her very much, she made a good choice.

Kathy’s sister, Carol

Name: Debra Smith
Email: msozark@aol.com

Dear Sheri, Dr. Verboonen and staff
Thank you so much for giving me the chance to start my life over. And have a healthy life . to be able to know that soon i will be able to play with and enjoy my 11 grandchildren. without your help this would never have happen.I have been trying to have lap band done for the past 3 years. And have been turned down by my insurance each time. (united health care) i have been blessed now that i have found you on the internet. My family was so worried that i was going out of our country to have my lap band done. but with my prayers i felt at ease… never once did i have any doubt in the doctors… (i was nervous about getting on the plane since i had never flown) since my husband could not travel with me i took my sister.

We were met @ the airport by a sweet / loving lady named sheri … and taken to our first hotel to stay the night … its the one she sets everyone up in … i cant remember the name … its near the hospital… it is a simple but very clean hotel… {only down fall is they don’t have an ice machine or wash cloths … take your own this is something they don’t have in the hotels } but it has a nice pool and the rooms are very clean and nice.. the next morning ms sheri picked us up and took us to the Galenia hospital…. fantastic hospital!!!! the best i have been in…i was only there 24 hours and they cleaned my room twice…it was spotless!!! it has 1 bed a nice big recliner and a nice sofa/ bed. My sister stayed the night with me..and she was treated like a guest.. the nurses were all very sweet..(down fall… not to many speak english …) i only had to ask for a pain shot once …that was my first one from there after they were in there every 4 hours with a shot.. i never once had to push my call button…they just check up on you a lot…

Before my surgery dr v and his staff all came in to meet me … super great team!!! they spoke english very well.. i was not worried at all .. everyone was very nice and treated me great. I suggest that anyone who goes down to mexico for surgery to … make flash cards in spanish with simple request like… i need a cup of ice please /// i need a pain shot/// i need to use the bathroom /// this will help you alot i promise. Sheri stayed with us and helped us fill out all of our paper work . There were 4 of us having surgery done that day… she stayed with us all until we all had surgery and checked up on us afterwards…… you are not left on your own like some others brought down there… she took us to our hotel the day after our surgery… and when you are ready to go back to the airport she takes you there… my sister and i up graded our hotel to the gran melia !!! * * * * * 5 star it is wonderful… then we up graded our room to the royal service… it was very nice … we stayed 2 extra
days… would i do it again ???? in a heart beat!!!!

My daughter wants to have lap band done… and yes i would recommend her and any of my friends to go to cancun, and to have Dr. Verboonen and his staff … I had my band done on oct 2 2009 today is oct 20 2009 i have not had my first fill done yet…and i have lost 28 1/2 pounds so far… i was in size 26 jeans now i am in 20 ‘s … i feel great… and i cant wait to start my fills and keep dropping pounds!!! My surgery recovery was a breeze… i had no problems at all… i want to thank you all for all of your help.
Debra Smith,Kansas city Mo

Name: Benjamin Yedid (UPDATE)

Hello Debbie, Ruda, Sheri and Dr. V:
How are you, First let me tell you that I miss all of you. I want to share how is everything with me:
I feel great, I’m loosing weight and feeling great, I started to do exercise with a PT and in 2 weeks I’m going to NEW YORK to buy my whole new clothes because NOTHING fits anymore!!!!!!!!!!! And I will take advantage of the thanksgiving weekend!!!!!!!!

I promise a Picture, so here it is, tonight I will send a BEFORE picture, and tomorrow morning before I go to work, I will send the TODAY picture, and I will love to hear comments!!!!!!
Please tell me how all of you are doing, Sheri, how are you, and my good friend Dr. V. how are you and how everything is going!!! ok, talk to you tomorrow,

PS, Ruda and Debbie, please send me your Phone number so I can Call!!!!!!!


Hello Sheri,
Sorry about not e-mailing sooner, but many things are happening around home. At least I’m so busy that I don’t have much time to dwell on the boring diet after having my surgery. This week I got to have some mashed potatoes. Even though they were instant, they tasted heavenly!
Everything is going very well except for a few cases of nausea.

I had been enrolled in the bariatric program through my health care for two years. I felt that I was slipping through the cracks while others were moving on towards surgery. I had been looking on line about going to Mexico to have the surgery done. A couple of my friends had their procedures done in Tijuana. In my mind, I thought of Tijuana from the movies. Dirty, dusty roads, gunfights… not a place that I wanted to go.

Then I found a website that featured someone with a sincere and caring voice telling about weight loss surgery in Cancun. The pictures of the facility blew me away. Nice clean hospital, with caretakers who looked very professional. I was thinking that these were “promo”shots, Not the real thing. I took my chances and e-mailed Sheri. That was the best thing that I had done for myself in a very long time.
Sheri was with me from the very beginning. She would answer questions, (no matter how silly or mundane) and constantly giving encouragement. That helped so much. From picking us up at the airport, being admitted into the hospital. Sheri handled all the paper work. When I was getting prepped, she would pop in to make sure I was ok, or had any questions.

The staff was very courteous and professional. Don’t worry if you don’t speak spanish. The process of trying to figure out certain words lighten things up a bit. Besides, we always had Sheri to help us out. I need to mention that the housekeepers did an excellent job keeping the rooms clean. It wasn’t a once a day swipe and go. The floors are made of marble and boy did they shine. There were no dust bunnies in the corners and the bathrooms were cleaned several times each day.

Dr. Verboonen was my surgeon. What a polite, knowledgeable and caring man. I felt so at ease with him. He definitely is not the mystery man who comes into your room, asks how you’re doing and leave. He came into my room and gave me my discharge instructions and answered any questions. To top it off he “smiled”when he left the room.
I have only touched the surface of my positive experience with Sheri, Dr Verbooden and the professional workers at the Galenia Hospital. Please, do yourself a favor and e-mail Sheri, and let her tell you about the facility and what she has to offer.
Since having my mini gastric bypass and looking back on my experience, do I have any regrets? Absolutely not.

Best wishes,


Sheri,it was wonderful meeting such a dynamic, smart and warm person like yourself. It was the best thing about going to Cancun for my sleeve. You have a gift and you are making it into an art. A good heart is hard to find these days so please don’t change a thing…you are truly a angel.

Name: Benjamin Yedid
Email: benny@lanco.com.mx

Hi Sheri,
Dr. Verboonen and Operation Friends:

This is an update of how I am doing and how is my life now: I have lost 60 Pounds in total, and these are the most important things to share I think.

Now I:
Exercise, just 30 min a day
I have snacks sometimes a little
I have chocolates sometimes also but they are not to good on me now
I don’t have carbonated drinks, cause they make me feel inflated, and I do not like how I feel
I drink a lot of tea or water

I prefer fish over everything, but I have beef, chicken, lamb, prefer fish
Now I drink water with clorofila (GNC) it is a fresh mint flavor for the water, and I love it
I have no problem with rice, but I prefer it to be crunchy or toast the rice
I don’t let more than 3 hours go by, without having something to eat
I am sending a before picture of me before, and a now picture of me

Thank you for Everything

Name: Kathy
Email: selah1971@msn.com

Hello Sheri,
Sorry about not e-mailing sooner, but many things are happening around home. This week I got to have some mashed potatoes. Even though they were instant, they tasted heavenly! Everything is going very well except for a few cases of nausea.
I had been enrolled in the bariatric program through my health care for two years. I felt that I was slipping through the cracks while others were moving on towards surgery. I had been looking on line about going to Mexico to have the surgery done. A couple of my friends had their procedures done in Tijuana. In my mind, I thought of Tijuana from the movies. Dirty, dusty roads, gunfights… not a place that I wanted to go.
Then I found a website that featured someone with a sincere and caring voice telling about weight loss surgery in Cancun. The pictures of the facility blew me away. Nice clean hospital, with caretakers who looked very professional. I was thinking that these were “promo”shots, Not the real thing. I took my chances and e-mailed Sheri.

That was the best thing that I had done for myself in a very long time.
Sheri was with me from the very beginning. She would answer questions, (no matter how silly or mundane) and constantly giving encouragement. That helped so much. From picking us up at the airport, being admitted into the hospital. Sheri handled all the paper work. When I was getting prepped, she would pop in to make sure I was ok, or had any questions.
The staff was very courteous and professional. Don’t worry if you don’t speak spanish. The process of trying to figure out certain words lighten things up a bit.

Besides, we always had Sheri to help us out. I need to mention that the housekeepers did an excellent job keeping the rooms clean. It wasn’t a once a day swipe and go.

The floors are made of marble and boy did they shine. There were no dust bunnies in the corners and the bathrooms were cleaned several times each day.

Dr. Verbooden was my surgeon. What a polite, knowledgeable and caring man. I felt so at ease with him. He definitely is not the mystery man who comes into your room, asks how you’re doing and leave. He came into my room and gave me my discharge instructions and answered any questions. To top it off he “smiled”when he left the room.

I have only touched the surface of my positive experience with Sheri, Dr Verbooden and the professional workers at the Galenia Hospital. Please, do yourself a favor and e-mail Sheri, and let her tell you about the facility and what she has to offer.
Since having my mini gastric bypass and looking back on my experience, do I have any regrets? Absolutely not.

Best wishes.

Name: Cyndi
Email: cindy@cayecaulkerforsale.com

Hi Everyone,
Well here we are at 4 months already! Here are my current Monthly Stats:
Month 1 26.1 lbs lost – 5.25 inches lost – BMI down 3.1
Month 2 8.6 lbs lost – 17.5 inches lost – BMI down 1.2
Month 3 9.0 lbs lost – 5.00 inches lost – BMI down 1.2
Month 4 8.6 lbs lost – 4.25 inches lost – BMI down 1.2

It is now four months since my surgery. I am now a normal BMI, when I hit it I was still over 180 lbs and I had a very hard time getting my head around that. I had no idea my normal BMI was such a high weight. I was accused, by some on the forum, of having self esteem and body image problems. Whatever!! Thanks to everyone that understood my surprise…

For the majority of the month I continued to try to eat like a ‘normal person’ from all 4 food groups. However, my natural Type A personality took over and I am now doing a 30 Day Personal Challenge and in the 4 days since it started I have lost each and every day. I am having a great time. I cut out some of my favourite protiens like peanut butter and peanuts as I felt they were affecting my weight loss. I will add them back in at a later date…

Current Stats:

– Weight: 177.6 down 52.4 lbs in four months (Normal BMI)
– Total inches lost in 8 places: 31.75 inches in four months
– BMI : 24.1 down 6.7 in four months

I LOVE having my new Tanita scales and weighing whenever I feel like it. They are great!! I am starting to really feel good! I like my shadow now, cool… I like certain areas of my body and see that they are slim and trim, hands, wrists, feet, ankles, neck, face, shoulders and collar bones area, waist… I’m getting there…

Thanks to everyone for all the support and advice, you are making this journey more fun and much easier for me!


Name: Lisa
Email: mgblonde@yahoo.com

Hey Sheri,
How are you? I hope you and your family had a fabulous Christmas in Canada. I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. I’m doing really well. I’ve lost 50
pounds… Can you believe it? I’m hoping to have 100 pounds off by this summer. I’m going to spend New Year’s Eve in Seattle. I hope you have a really fun New Year’s Eve.

I’ll talk to you soon!!!

Name: Tim Newman
Email: ebntdn724@cebridge.net

Hello ya’ll, it is Tim Newman from Texas.
Went for weigh in today and now at 55 lbs lost and still driving it
down!!!!! YEAH YEAH!!!!

Thank you.

Name: Rosalee Henley
Email: rlw76462@yahoo.com

My name is Rosalee Henley and I had a full Gastric Bypass on May 22,2009. I have lost 50 lbs to date 9-15-2009 I could not be happier with my decision, My husband and I love Mexico and vacation in either Cozumel or Cancun at least twice a year,so I felt comfortable coming to Cancun for my surgery. Sheri was so helpful during the entire process and before I even arrived I felt like I had known and trusted her for years. The Doctors,Nurses and Surgical team were extremely kind and caring.


Hello Sheri!
Just wanted to drop you a quick line on my progress.Feeling a little stronger every day. Walking almost 1 mile a day! Still surprised every time I get on the scale. I’m into pants that I haven’t been able to button in over a year~ But just couldn’t throw away because “someday”.Well, I’m sure glad I didn’t toss em out. It’s now someday! As of yesterday I’ve lost 36 lbs! Thanks for helping me on this journey.

Name: Karen Proctor
Email: ol_hippie57@yahoo.com

Hi Sheri,
Here I am at my one year mark since going to T.J. & having a lap band put in. I couldn’t be happier. As a matter of fact I didn’t know I would ever be this happy again. I have gone from a size20/22 clothes to a 14/16. This is so much FUN !!! I have traveled back to Dr. V in T.J. for every fill. He & his staff have been so kind. At first I was afraid to walk across the border by my self, but I have no problem with it now. I walk over , wait for my driver ( who has always been very prompt) get my fill , get ride back to the border & walk across. I would encourage anyone who is considering having a lap band to do so, IT IS LIFE CHANGING !!!! Thank you Sheri for all your help ( P.S. my weight loss has encouraged my whole family to get healthier & make healthier choices, BONUS !!!)

Thank you.

Medical Advice Disclaimer. The content of the Web Site, including without limitation, text, copy, audio, video, photographs, illustrations, graphics and other visuals, is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or recommendations of any kind. Personal results may differ for each individual.You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by this website. Any information provided by International Facilitators Mexico Inc. in person, by telephone or through marketing materials, including but not limited to, all print audio and online information is for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information appearing on this Web Site is solely at your own risk.

Name: Stacy
Email: Stacy.Jackson@nationstarmail.com

I had an amazing experience. Thank you Dr. Verboonen, Sheri and all the staff who really went above and beyond to make our stay great.Stacy

Name: Ellen Aleshire
Email: ellen_aleshire@me.com

Dear Sheri: Thanks a ton for all you did to help me set this up. Everything went smooth. The Doctors and the hospital and the care in Tijuana were really wonderful. You can use me as a reference if you like. Thanks Again! Ellen Aleshire

Name: Teresa and Hal Meek
Email: halter33@telus.net

Testimonial:Hi Sheri.

we just can’t thank you enough for all your amazing help with henry (hal) and the dentist…you and eric are wonderful….believe me i will be recommending you and your service to all i know….i will also be contacting in months to come so i can go and have dental work and may as well do those damn eyes at same time.lol just got to pay this one off and work on me!!! once again thank you so very very much….teresa meek.


Testimonial: Sheri, I’m feeling great! I Have lost 43 lbs to date, and everything is going according to plan. I’m eating mostly solid foods now, and still taking the protein supplements. Energy has increased, breathing better, and climbing stairs easier. I don’t think it could be going any better!
Thanks for checking on me Sheri!! Take care.


Thanks to Sheri and Dr. Verboonen. I had my lapband Aug 2010. from a tight size 22 now i just bought a size 14!!! down almost 80 pounds SO EXCITED! I feel great and doing very well. My lapband has been a great tool to help change my eating habits and help me get the weight off.


Updated Jan. 2012, Dr. Verboonen did my lap band surgery in 2005. He is awesome – very caring and non-judgmental. I had it done in Tijuana, and the facilities were excellent. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone!


I just want to thank Sheri Burke for all help with organizing my surgeries. She was very helpful and answered all of my questions! I had my lap band surgery in January of 2011, but felt like a sleeve would fit my lifestyle more. So in November 2011 I had it removed and got the vertical sleeve surgery done. I am so happy with my results! In less than 3 months I have lost 30 pounds, which is way more then I ever lost with the lap band 🙂 Thanks so much, Lisa


Hi Sheri:
I can’t emphasize enough how critical you were in this process! My most important factors in my choice of having gastric sleeve surgery in TJ was the experience of Dr. Verboonen and staff, and your guidance every step of the way. Since I was self-pay, the proximity to home was wonderful. The expertise and service provided by you, Dr. Verboonen and the staff is par excellence!
I felt great after surgery – no side effects! Not really any pain either; just like being a bit sore. Each day just gets better and better. I was back to work in ten days with no problem. Some days I completely forget I had surgery exactly 3 weeks ago EXCEPT that I’m not hungry (never thought I’d see that day.) I’ve lost almost 20 pounds already.
I am saving for plastic surgery in the future and will definitely be arranging it through you.
Thanks for all your help and hugs to you!Peggy

Name: Darcy
Email: finallytall@hotmail.com

HI Sheri,

Just had to send a huge thank you to Dr.V and the incredible staff at Obesity Goodbye Center. I’ve had an amazing recovery and only a bit of discomfort due to the gas. No pain since I left the Surgery Center and I’ve started experimenting with more food. Today is my 2 week “surgiversary” and I’m down 10.2 total. wahoo! Only one regret here – that I didn’t do it sooner


Hi Sheri, wanted to follow up with you on my progress. Coming up on my 2 year anniversary. My pre-op weight was 375, well I’m currently at 215. I can believe how successful the sleeve operation has been for me. I don’t think I had a chance before but really wanted to thank you for your help. I’ve attached some recent pics of me and my fiance. Not sure if you have the before pics in your archive or not. I think I threw them all away from that time in my life. LOL

Name: Lynn
Email: kirklandlynn@hotmail.com

Testimonial: Dear Sheri: What a difference a day makes.
There have been lots of changes in my life after my Gastric surgery in Mexico. To date, I’ve lost a total of 67 pounds, and my self confidence has soared. 🙂 But more importantly, I’m living my life differently, and on my own terms. I’m trying to stay on an exercise regimen. Life for me is so much better than “good”. I’m blessed and highly favored. I trust that you are well. Warm Regards, Lynn


As everyone says, I am “lovin’ my sleeve” and sorry I didn’t do this years ago! It’s a great tool and I couldn’t have made this much progress without it and the help of Sheri, Dr. V and Obesity Goodbye. I am moving along and feeling better and better every month. I never had a single issue or side effect with the surgery and still am proud to tell everyone of the excellent care and attention I received in TJ. It’s so exciting not to get winded when walking and attending my grandson’s sporting events. I can’t wait for the summer!

Name: Corrine
Email: cdcruz936@yahoo.com

Hey Sheri,
How are you doing? I hope all is well for you! I am now down about 50lbs and feeling great! I still would like to lose another 40-50lbs but am very happy with my results so far. Hope to hear from you soon! Say Hi to your beautiful family for me!



Testimonial:Hey Sherri and Erick. It was such a wonderful experience to meet you both for my VSG. I felt like you were family. Made it home Tues afternoon. No problems did walking in airport rather than taking a cart. I have felt wonderful. Please tell everyone there how pleased I was with the patient relationship. I really enjoyed meeting and being in your care. Love always Lawana and John


I have to say that I am so excited about the journey that I am on now. I have lost 31 lbs since I started the pre-op diet. Again, thanks for your support and let me just say that Dr. Verboonen and his staff were great and I will never forget the help that you all have given me.
Let me know at anytime if you need any references for possible patients looking at going to Tijuana. I would be more than happy to give testimony of my great experience.

Name: Scott Haun

Hi Sheri.

Got back to Florida from Tijuana on Saturday night. The experience in Tijuana was very positive, and I am very happy with the results so far. My surgery was very quick, (OR plus Recovery only one hour) and the hospital was great. While the INT hospital is not as luxurious as Galenia, it still exceeded my expectations. Dr. Rios was kind enough to pick us up and return us to San Diego. Thanks to you, and please pass on our thanks to all involved in TJ for us. I will write back more as I have more to report. For now, I am feeling very well and back at work today.


Hi Sheri, My clothes don’t fit anymore and I’m down to the last notch on my belt. My blood pressure is down, heart rate down, etc… What a feeling! Thanks for everything! Mathieu


Good afternoon Sheri,
I wanted to tell you that I am 18 days out from my VSG and I had the most amazing experience with Dr. Verboonen. I have lost 26 pounds so far and my incisions are healed and I feel wonderful. I was treated very well by Nurse Maria, Dr. Verboonens nurse is an absolute treasure!! Please feel free to use me as a reference.


Just wanted to update my testimony a little. It has now been 10 months post_op and I have lost 104 lbs. I am 80% done with my goal, and I only have 20% (25 pounds) left to go!! I’m including a couple of photos for you.Thanks for everything you do!!

Email: v_mell@hotmail.com

Sheri, I ran the Warrior Dash this weekend and I created a before and after picture for you. Before/ 364lbs Now 260lbs Goal 230lbs

Name: Stacey
Email: staceyamd@aol.com

Hi Sheri,
Hope you remember me Stacey Anderson, had my gastric sleeve on June 4,2012 I am doing well I’ve lost 55.2 pounds, so so many inches and 2 bra sizes . Am so happy with my results… please let the doctors and staff know they were wonderful and I will always be grateful I had them, tell Maria and Carlos that they are the Best !!!! and you Sheri are the best also. Thank You.


Sheri I feel more amazing then I could ever explain!!! Thank you for all you have done for me!! I feel so blessed and grateful to you and the staff at Dr V’s!! This has been an amazing journey!!

Name:Cheryl Reimer

Mini Gatsric Bypass

Thank you so much for everything. May this year be filled with blessings to the max!

Thank you so much Sheri for everything, it was a positive experience for me. I am feeling stronger every day. I’m happy to be home again with my family though. Happy Birthday, may your year be filled with blessings to the max! You have a great employee in Erick I was thrilled with how well he does his job and how he goes above and beyond his regular duties.


Testimonial: Dear Sheri, Just wanted to thank you. I was sleeved on March 6th in Tijuana. My surgeon was Dr. Verboonen and my experience was wonderful. All in all my experience was wonderful and exactly as you had said it would be. Feel free to use me as a reference. Hope to see you soon. Denise

Name: Shelly
Email: jsbcnorman@yahoo.com

I am so impressed with Dr. Garcia and would not hesitate to refer him to anyone I know looking for cosmetic surgery. I have a girlfriend saving up the money for a tummy tuck right now. He is such a perfectionist and I really like that. I can’t say enough good things about him.

Thanks again for your help in coordinating the procedure.

Name: Missy / VSG
Email: missy.strickland@reliance.us


Hi Sheri! Hope you are doing well ! All is good here ! Down almost 40lbs ! Wow !! Thank you for helping me get there !! Take Care, Missy Strickland

Name: Carolyn
Email: cdhenry0339@att.net

Hi Sheri:

Here’s an update. I have lost 17 lbs as of this a.m. That’s nearly a lb a day. I have been following the diet faithfully trying not to overeat.

I am so very happy with the gastric sleeve. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing I will no longer have to “diet” to take off a pound or two. Having the gastric sleeve is a relief because I would wake up every morning worrying about my weight. Now, I don’t have too. It’s great!

Name: Jim King
Email: jking@orcon.net.nz

Good Morning Sheri,I would like to Thank you for all your help from start to completion. The entire process has been a very good experience and and I shall include all the positives in my review that I’ll email to you in the next 2-3 weeks. I’m happy for you to put this up on your website. Dr. Verboonen and your entire organization is wonderful. So once again, thanks foreverything, and I’ll be in touch with my GSP updates.

Take care,

Jim & Helen from New Zealand

Name: Christopher Abell
Email: cabell64@gmail.com

Just wanted to take this moment Sheri to acknowledge my one-year anniversary of having the surgery…. Was it that long ago? From
where I’m sitting, it was a smashing success. My health is great, my achievements are many, and I’m very happy.
Thanks for being a huge part of this journey…. Hope all is well with you!
Christopher Abell


Name: Whinnie Keefe
Email: winikrose@aol.com

Hi Sheri thank you so much for everything! I can’t believe how great I feel just one day post op. I really wasn’t expecting such an easy time right after a surgery.
BTW, if you have a patient who would like to speak to someone who has gone thru the Gastric Plication id be happy to talk with them. One last question? I know you said no pool but what about swimming in the ocean?

Warmest regards!!!!! Winnie
Name: Ashley


“I’d like to thank Sheri, Dr. V, his team and all the hospital staff that did such a wonderful job on my daughter’s gastric by-pass surgery. The whole experience exceeded our expectations. Sheri’s knowledge of the process and her ability to quickly get us answers to all our questions as we were considering this process, to her caring attitude once we arrived and throughout our stay was outstanding. The experience at the Hospital was also excellent. As of today, 10 weeks from surgery, Ashley is down 45 Lbs. Thank you IPF for the life changing service you provide! – Dan – New Hampshire ”

Name: Suzanne
Email: suzie.sinclair@btinternet.com

Hi Sheri,
just a quick email to let you know we made it home fine and I am doing really well. I’ve lost 12 pounds in the 9 days since procedure and feel great, no sickness, acid or anything. I have definately made the right desision and would be delighted to recommend you and the medical team to other people.

Thanks for everything Sheri

Name: Leihan
Email: leihan77@gmail.com

Hi Sheri.

I’m doing really good. Eating all kinds of foods…some that I’m probably not supposed to but they sit fine with me. I got on the scale today and it was down three more pounds. I really had minimal pain and never needed anymore pain pills other that what we got while there. I also didn’t have the gas pain. My recovery has been super smooth. I’m super happy. Thanks to you and Dr. V for everything !

Name: Sherry M.
Email: sherry@westerncampservices.com

Hi Sheri,
Just wanted to let you know things are still good. I’m down 17Lbs doesn’t sound like much but for me it’s good. I was impressed with the Doctors, the hospital, Eric and yes you to. I have no problem with recommending IPF. When you think about it, it hasn’t even been 2 weeks since surgery. I will keep you posted as time goes by. Kisses to you Sheri xo

Name: Liz
Email: eandino33904@gmail.com

Hi Sheri,
Just wanted to say Thank You for all the great care and all your help.


Name: William
Email: William.Cauthron@fluor.com

Hello Sheri,
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Well I’m down from 305 pounds to 218 pounds since September 25, 2010. The best news is that my doctor has taken me completely off all my diabetes medication. I can not truly express just what that means to me. I am convinced that the gastric bypass surgery has literally saved my life.

Thanks to you and Dr. Verboonen.

Email: weir_ridin@yahoo.com


I cannot express how good I feel and how comfortable everybody at the surgery center has made me feel. If you need anything written or a testimonial I would love to do it. This is the easiest surgery I have every had. Thank you sooooooo much. Cherry Weir

Name: Scott
Email: philip.s.haun@nasa.gov

Hey Sheri,
Six months post surgery, lost over 60 pounds! More importantly, type II diabetes in remission, and triglycerides normal for first time in my life!

Thanks Sheri and Dr. Verboonen!

Name:Jackie and Nettie
Email: diehardchief58@yahoo.com

Hi Sheri. Thought you would want to know Jackie and I both have dropped 20 lbs in the first 2 weeks after our surgery. Doing better with the food. Jackie is still not smoking. We did great thru Thanksgiving. I actually lost a pound. Thanks to you and Eric for being so great to us. We appreciate it. Will keep you updated with our progress. Thanks again, Nettie and Jackie from Florida.

Name: Cheryl
Email: csarge2@aol.com

I am doing GREAT ! I just keep sipping my water and protein drinks and I am glad I had the MGB surgery.

Thanks for everything Sheri and Dr. Verboonen.

Name: Ingrid
Email: purrfectdelight@cox.net

Hi Sheri,
I had my lap band placed by Dr. Verboonen and it was an excellent experience and I would like for you to use me as a reference. I would be willing to speak with any of your patients who are interested in having this surgery.

Thanks for everything.

Name: Aimee
Email: aimee_almond@hotmail.com

Hi Sheri!,
Sorry it took me so long, but I am having a hard time finding pics of me before my surgery. I really didn’t like being in front of the camera! People are really starting to notice! lol they should, I’ve lost 42 lbs since my surgery ! Dr. V took a couple of pics of me the day of the operation, which might be better…I just took this new one yesterday lol I was sending my mom a pic of my new hair, and all she could talk about was how much weight I have lost! I dont mind that either!

Name: George Farley
Email: gwfarley@aol.com

Sheri and Dr. Verboonen,

Thanks too all who took such good care of me while I was getting the mini gastric bypass in 09/2010. To date I have lost over 185+ pounds and I am very close to half my original weight. I am very pleased with the results so far and have started walking 3-5 miles 3-4 times a week. I feel great and have started living my life again. Thanks to you all.


Name: Sandy
Email: Sandy.M.Higgins@usace.army.mil

Hi Sheri,
I was in Cancun this time last year for my gastric sleeve. I’ve been doing great so far. I’m down to 161 lbs. The weight came off slowly and I was pleased for that. Feel free to use my photos.


Email: edventure68@hotmail.com

Hi Sheri.

Say “Hello” to Dr Verboonen from us and thank him for helping me get my life back! I feel great after my Gastric Plication Procedure!

Name: Corrine
Email: cdcruz936@yahoo.com

Gastric Plication Surgery

I am doing great, down 55lbs I couldn’t be happier! My weight loss has slowed down to about 1-2 lbs  but the inches are dropping, so what else can I ask for. Still feel it was the best decision I have ever made!!

Thanks for everything!!!

I am a week and a half out from surgery and feel GREAT!!! I have lost over 15 lbs since the surgery and have lost over 25 since the pre-op diet (I started it about 1 week prior to surgery). I went to Cancun to have my surgery done with Dr V. and am so pleased I did. Not only is it beautiful there, but having Sheri and Erick to take complete care of me from beginning to end was such an added bonus. I felt so safe there, my husband couldn’t go with me because he had to stay with our children so I had a girlfriend go with me, we never felt unsafe. We stayed in a hotel in the hotel district right on the beach and while I was recuperating from surgery she walked all over.

I chose Dr V for several reasons, I did a TON of research, asked lots of questions and not once did I feel that he wasn’t educated in his profession. In my opinion, Dr V and his staff are the best, his knowledge is far superior to the majority of his peers and I would recommend him and his staff to anyone without any hesitation. Not only did I trust him as my Dr, but my Mother (my best friend) and a friend of hers are planning on seeing him when they are ready.

I hope this helps you with your decision… If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact me anytime

Corinne cdcruz936@yahoo.com

Name: Hugh Gilbert
Email: hhgil1@gmail.com

Hi Sheri,

I’m feeling great, I’m amazed. Thank you so much, I couldn’t be doing this without your help.
