Dental Treatments

Dental Cleaning

Dental cleaning is a basic requirement of the overall oral health. Domestic dental cleaning includes brushing, flossing, and scrubbing.


We all carry out this essential function in order to clean the teeth and prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria.


This is done with a flossing thread to clean the area in between the teeth and remove any food lodgings and plaque.


It should be done in order to remove the extra deposit on your teeth. It involves an abrasive to clean the teeth.

Professional Tooth Cleaning

The professional tooth cleaning is done by specialized instruments, which help to loosen and remove the deposits from the teeth. The different processes in tooth cleaning are Tooth scaling, tooth polishing and debridement.

The tooth cleaning by a dental hygienist or a dentist is called Prophylaxis. This is recommended to clean the tarter or mineralized plaque that cannot be cleaned by regular brushing or flossing. This happens in the areas around the teeth that are hard to reach by the person themselves.

Tooth Scaling/Root planning

This process is called as conventional periodontal therapy. This means deep cleaning of the tooth area to remove etiologic agents responsible for causing inflammation. The scaling process involves the removal of plaque and stain from the crown and root areas of the tooth. The root planning process is a special treatment which removes the “cementum” which may contain microorganisms and other toxins.

Tooth Polishing

This process is of smoothing the tooth surface in order to prevent or slow down the deposit of plaque. This is carried out by rubber cup, brush etc.


This refers to the essential process of removing the calculus from the teeth with the help of special ultrasonic equipments.


Dentures (prosthesis) are a set of false teeth, which are used to replace the missing teeth in the mouth. A person may lose their teeth due to a variety of reasons ranging from periodontal disease to an accidental trauma. Not having teeth alters the quality of life, as it can change the facial features, and person is not able to eat the normal food he or she may desire. Dentures help these people to regain back their original oral functions. Dentures generally come in two types:

Complete Dentures and Partial Dentures.

Complete dentures are used when all the teeth on either of the upper side (maxillary arch) or lower side (mandibular arch) are missing. Partial dentures are used when several teeth are missing but some teeth are present.

Dentures are further classified as Fixed Dentures and Removable Dentures.

The fixed dentures are present in the oral cavity and not removable by patient, whereas the other type is removable by the patients themselves. Fixed prosthesis is made from porcelain and metal whereas removable prosthesis is manufactured from acrylic, metal or nylon.

All these dentures appear as natural looking teeth and gums. They are designed to be completely comfortable and fully functional.

Advantages of getting Dentures

You can chew and eat like a normal person
The normal oral functions are restored
Dentures improve your face contours and give you a more youthful look
It improves your clarity of your verbal communication and rids you of the embarrassment of mumbled speech
It is proven to enhance the self-esteem of the patients
In some cases it has shown to improve the persons digestion also
It may take some time to get used to the new dentures.
You dentist will give you details of how to take care of the dentures and overall dental hygiene.


Dental Filling

Dental fillings are done to restore the structural damage caused to the tooth due to caries or any other reason. In some cases the structural loss in the tooth is intentional, as it is a part of preparative procedure for dental implants.

The materials used to restore the missing tooth structure include nickel chrome alloys, resin composites (also known as white fillings), and silver amalgam. These are used as filling substances in the direct restorations. Indirect restoration means taking the tooth impressions, and fabricating the restoration externally.

The procedure for Dental Fillings

In the case of a toothache due to decay or caries, the dentist first identifies the affected area on one or more teeth. After being identified, isolation of the tooth is the first step in the filling. This is done in order to prevent the moisture from interfering with the process of bonding. After this the area is cleaned by removing the carries, the tooth is prepared for the filling process. The filling material is then put into the required area and then sealed with adhesive substance for bonding. Sometimes a special light is required to accelerate the bonding process. The composite restoration process is thus completed. It is natural looking as well as functional.

The composite materials are aesthetically better than the amalgam fillings. These filling can easily last for an average of 8 to 12 years. But this depends upon the individual oral hygiene supported with quality of dental products used.

The restoration by dental filling is safe, pain-free and prevents the further dental decay and gives back strength and capacity to chew the various different foods.

Dental Extraction

Many people are irrationally scared of this process. An extensively damaged, cracked, or broken beyond repair teeth are the ones that need to be extracted. It is not a bad idea but actually a part of overall oral care. The other reason why this option may be considered is the length of the treatment, the cost of the treatment and the possibility of low success rate of other treatments in a particular case. Another factor that may necessitate a tooth extraction is severe damage of the gums. Extraction is also recommended many times in case of wisdom tooth.

Sometimes the extraction is the best remedy to prevent further problems to other teeth and gums, and to protect bones too. After an extraction one can undergo other processes like dental implants to tackle the absence of tooth.

Process of Extraction

Initially the patient is given a local anesthesia and then systematic extraction is carried out. Extractions can be broadly categorized in two:

  • Simple extraction
  • Surgical extraction

The simple extraction is performed over the teeth that are clearly visible. After the local anesthesia is administered, tooth is clasped in holding instrument. Then with the help of dental forceps the tooth is rocked back n forth with slow incremental pressure until it is dislodged from the place.

The surgical extraction is required when the upper portion of the tooth is broken, or tooth is very difficult to access. The surgical extraction entails the removal of some soft tissues, which cover the tooth.

Another generally adapted procedure is by drilling and splitting the parts of tooth to facilitate the removal.
After the extraction process, the drowsiness due to anesthesia will wear off within a couple of hours. A little amount of bleeding is normal and scar formation is encouraged by placing a sterilized gauge on the portion of the extracted tooth.

It is recommended that people take care not to disturb the clot. Heavy rinsing of the mouth should be avoided because of this. It is also recommended that you should take soft food during the initial days

If you follow the instructions of the dentist you can be assured of a quick and easy recovery from the extraction process. Removal of a bad tooth removal today can prevent complications of oral health tomorrow.

Dental Bridges

Missing teeth in the mouth creates embarrassment along with inciting numerous problems. It badly affects your ability to chew various food items and can cause speech problems. However, it’s worse effect comes into play when you smile. The missing tooth can also lead to other problems like temporomandibular joint disorder, and the increase in the risk of periodontal disease, along with a higher chance of tooth decay. The missing teeth can have a harmful effect on the self-esteem of the person.

Dental bridges are like partial implants which are used in cosmetic dentistry, to replace one or several missing teeth

Types of Dental Bridges

During the second visit, your temporary bridge will be removed and the new permanent bridge will be checked and adjusted, as necessary, to achieve a proper fit.

Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth.

A bridge is made up of two crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap — these two anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth — and a false tooth/teeth in between. These false teeth are called pontics and can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. Dental bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants.

Bridges can:

  • Restore your smile
  • Restore the ability to properly chew and speak
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Distribute the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth
  • Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position

During the first visit for getting a dental bridge, the abutment teeth are prepared. Preparation involves recontouring these teeth by removing a portion of enamel to allow room for a crown to be placed over them. Next, impressions of the teeth are made, which serve as a model from which the bridge, pontic, and crowns will be made by a dental lab. Your dentist will make a temporary bridge to wear to protect the exposed teeth and gums while the bridge is being made.

The procedure for dental bridge

The dentist firstly conducts a thorough examination of your gums and other teeth to determine your eligibility for the bridge. If you qualify as a candidate for the bridge, the dentist will initially give you a local anesthesia and then start preparing the surrounding teeth for fitting the bridge.

Then to prepare the bridge, the impression of your tooth is taken on putty like material. As the bridge is fabricated until your next visit, the dentist will fit you with a temporary bridge to protect your gums and teeth. The dental bridge is fitted and cemented on your second session with the dentist.

How long do the bridges last?

With a good commitment to oral hygiene, you can be assured that the dental bridge will serve you effectively for about 10 years or more.

The bridge looks like your natural teeth. The cost of bridges is equivalent to the cost of crowns. A three tooth bridge would cost like ordering three crowns.

Dental bridges have been proven to improve the smile and make the chewing easier. Bridges have also enhanced the speech quality for many people, thereby boosting up their self-esteem.

Dental Implants

These implants are strong enough, that you can restart chewing the food that you had to previously skip owing to lost teeth. You will feel more confident as you will be dining and smiling like a normal person with healthy teeth.

Dental implants are a savior to the people who have lost a tooth due to a trauma or a disease. These implants have helped people to regain their normal lives.

They look so natural that an onlooker cannot make out the difference between an implanted ones and the natural teeth. You can regain all your normal functions within a short period after the procedure. The ease and effectiveness of our dental care is evident from the fact that more and more people are opting for this simple process.

The Most Simple Process

It is just a surgical procedure that places implant or implants in your jaw bone. It requires three to six months to heal for the placement of implant restoration, also known as crown.

During this healing period, Osteointegration causes in and around the titanium implant creating a very strong support for the crown. After sufficient healing, we place an abutment and the final porcelain crown.

There is no pain felt during the process. It is performed under local anesthesia and sometimes under general anesthesia, depending upon the request.

Implants With Care

The team of qualified dentists at Cancun and Tijuana has a vast experience. The experts in the area of dental care can bestow you with a set of perfect teeth that will bring the natural smile and look, back to your face. The set of new dentures or a few teeth can be so easily implanted that they snugly fit into your mouth without giving any odd feeling.

Our expert dentists study your jaw structure and suggest the proper method of carrying out implants that will retain your facial look.


  • No lose parts: Our procedures would not leave any lose parts in your mouth. They are properly secured and safe.
  • Lasts for long: They last a lifetime (at least more than 15 years) in almost all cases without causing any trouble.
  • Strong enough: These implants are strong enough to allow you to chew even hard fruits like apple.
  • Painless process: This process causes no pain and does not tax your body.

Porcelain Crowns

Crown is a kind of dental implant that is used to rebuild a broken tooth. It is also used to restore a tooth weakened by decay or a large filling. The crown looks like an actual tooth. This is then fitted over the damaged tooth to get back its original shape and strength.

The crown is used in the following cases.

  • To improve the appearance of a damaged or discolored tooth fillings.
  • After a root canal treatment, the tooth needs to be protected.
  • To restore the shape of a tooth damaged in an accident.
  • Crowns are also used to hold denture or a bridge firmly in place.

What is the crown made up of?

A variety of materials are used to make crowns. Some popular choices for making crowns are given as follows:

How long would a crown last?

Crowns do not decay by themselves and hence have a potential to last for a long time. If you follow the instructions of your dentist, you can be assured that your crown will serve you a long time to come. Placing crown over the tooth is completely painless and can take a maximum of one or two sessions. In the first session, the tooth shape and shade will be taken and then the crown is prepared. The second session will place the crown over the prepared tooth. Some patients may need a few days to get adjusted with the new crown. Overall you can be assured that a good quality crown will make your life lot easier.

Porcelain Crows

These Crowns are mostly used for front teeth. They look natural but score low on durability side.

Porcelain Bonded with Precious Metal

These are the crowns that are most widely used. These are fairly strong with longer durability. The base is made of precious metals and this is covered with a porcelain layers.

Porcelain Composite

These are made from the combination of porcelain and resin composite material. The crown of this material is natural looking but less in strength as compared to metal bonded crown.

Precious Metal Crowns

These crowns are very strong and last long. Made with gold and palladium these crowns don’t look like natural teeth. Hence these crowns are not used for front teeth where these are very visible.

Root Canals

Endodontic treatment, commonly referred to as root canal treatment, is an effective way to treat an infected or decaying tooth and save it from extraction. This procedure is carried out by endodontist who specializes in the diagnosis and corrective treatment related to dental pulp or the nerve of the tooth.

When is the root canal treatment needed?

Root canal treatment is needed when the root or the pulp of the tooth gets infected due to decay. An untreated cavity is the most common reason for the infection in the root nerve and tooth pulp. If left untreated, it can spread into gums and form an abscess. The pain and inflammation can affect the day to day activity of the patient. The infection can be caused due to negligence in dental hygiene after a filling. Another reason that pulp may get infected is chipping away of tooth due to wear and tear or accident. The following symptoms can indicate the need for a root canal treatment.

  • Extreme toothache while chewing or slight pressure.
  • Referred pain in the head, behind a single eye or ear.
  • Over and persistent sensitivity to head and cold.
  • Discoloration or chipping away of the tooth.
  • Inflammation of the gums surrounding the tooth

Diagnosis is done on the basis of symptoms and checking sensitivity of the affected tooth. In some cases X-rays are taken for confirmation of the site of the root canal. The ray may show slight widening of the ligament that holds the tooth or a black spot at the root of the tooth.

Root Canal Procedure

  • Firstly, your dentist may desensitize the tooth and the surrounding area with the help of some gels. Then the pulp area will be approached by drilling a small hole in the tooth.
  • Then the inside area of the canal is cleaned with the special files of varying thicknesses.
  • The molars may typically have more canals and hence could mean more number of sittings with the dentist. A temporary dressing is given in between sessions.
  • After the cleaning process is complete the cavity is filled with sealing paste.

After the filling of the cavity is complete, the tooth needs to be capped with a crown. This can be a metal crown or made of ceramic. This is required in order to prevent the remaining away from direct pressure and also protect it from chipping away. The root canal treatments have a very high success rate of about 95%.

Root canal is not as painful as it is projected. Appropriate procedural care is adapted by the dentist for the comfort of the patient.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin layered chips made from porcelain or poly ceramic material that gives natural look to the teeth. They are placed and glued to the teeth surface to correct and enhance the look of the teeth. These are custom designed to match the particular tooth shape in order to fit over a particular tooth, to cover a problem or improve the appearance.

What do veneers do? What are the benefits of veneers?

Many times the enamel of the tooth gets worn out or discolored, due to habits like smoking or consumption of tea, coffee, soft drinks etc. Sometimes certain portion of the tooth may develop a crack or the corners may get chipped off. Dental veneers cover away these problems. Some people born with some space between their teeth find that it gets wider as they grow up. This uneven spacing can cause problems like food lodging resulting in further deterioration of the tooth. Dental veneers are also used to correct these types of problems. Dental veneer improves the tooth shape, corrects the irregularities and makes your smile more beautiful.

How many sittings does it take to fit the dental veneers?

It generally takes at least 2 visits to the dentist to get the veneer fitted in place. The first visit is to get the tooth prepared and second one to fit and bond the veneers on the tooth. A follow-up session may be recommended just to examine that patient is comfortable and teeth are functioning normally.

The procedure for Dental veneers

Attaching a dental veneer is a two-step process. In the first stage the tooth is prepared by removing a certain amount of enamel from the surface. The layer of the enamel which is removed is very slight. It is equal to the thickness of the veneer. This is done in order to make sure that the veneer is bonded to the tooth permanently. Then it is also important to match the shade of the tooth color.

In the second stage, the veneer is actually fitted on the tooth. It is very thin and is held by a very strong bond. Although the entire procedure is completely painless, local anesthesia can be administered to the patient in order to eliminate any discomfort.

How long can the veneers last? And what if there are problems later?

Veneers typically last for years. The best authority to comment on the lasting time of the porcelain veneer would be the dentist only. Generally, there are no problems. It is advisable to wait for a week and get used to the new fitting. However, if required some minor adjustments can be made. Porcelain dental veneers look very much like healthy shining teeth and can considerably improve your facial value.

Teeth Whitening

Everybody loves a bright smile and wants to have good looking white teeth. Due to factors such as habit of chewing tobacco, smoking, excess consumption of dark coffee or tea, or a neglected oral hygiene, the teeth are decolorized.

Dental bleaching, popularly known as tooth whitening is a procedure in cosmetic dentistry which many people have adopted to brighten their teeth. It is a widely practiced method with a very high customer satisfaction rate. Within an hour it can lighten the tooth color by about two shades.

The procedure of teeth whitening

The teeth whitening process generally starts by first placing a chemical barrier to protect the gums during the process. Then a peroxide whitening solution is applied on the teeth. This bleaching agent is then activated using heat or laser light, which also accelerates the overall process. The level of hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching agent is at 15% which gives optimum results and is considered fully safe for gums and teeth.

The entire process lasts for about 60 minutes. The procedure is complete in itself and no follow-up treatment is required for the same.

How long do the results last? Is there any after treatment care required?

This treatment lightens the shade of the teeth, and if proper oral hygiene is maintained the results should last for about one two years. One should talk to the dentist about what care should be taken to maintain the achieved results. A basic oral hygiene supported by good quality dental care products will definitely keep the effects for a longer time.

Before undergoing the tooth whitening, it is wise to let the dentist know if you have any veneers or false teeth, as it may need a special consideration.

Are there any side effects of dental bleaching?

The teeth whitening process is safe with no harmful side effects. It does not remove any enamel layers. A few people however experience certain amount of temporary sensitivity on the teeth which eventually wears off in a couple of hours.